Alex, Gillian, Kin, and Reggie's Epic 🐻 Project (group AJNP)
To start the project on your computer, you need to:
Clone the repository : git clone Install NPM : npm install Use NPM to install TAPE on your computer and work through the test file: npm i -D tape and npm i -D tap-spec Then, to run the test : npm test
To practise working in a team, using pair programming and github workflow
We wanted a website that would clearly display the ethos of our growlingly great team, and meet the challenge objectives
Our project has been designed from the beginning with our user stories in mind.
We started by making issues for each of our user stories. We identified specific issues for each pair to work on at one time, e.g. create HTML, create CSS, work on Team section, create return to top functionality
We did some brainstorming as a group and made some notes on paper to help us visualise the layout of our site.
We decided on a simple vertical structure of a heading at the top of our page, a sticky nav bar, each section, a footer, and a home bar which pops up at the bottom of the screen once you've scrolled down 200px
📱 mobile-first approach
Media query for a 768px screen (tablet view) or bigger
Therefore the desktop view follows the same layout as the tablet view
We found a woodland colour scheme on Pinterest which matched our bear aesthetic 🌲. Our main colour palette is:
- #000000 (black)
- #f0f1db (light cream/green)
- #465f3e (dark green)
Staatliches: headings and 'feature' text e.g. nav buttons
Raleway: main content text
- git workflow: we learned how to resolve merge conflicts and the importance of making branches
- how to create github issues and implement them into the team workflow
- each team member has learned some new aspect of HTML and CSS from one another
We are proud of our site but with more time we could add/fix some features, such as:
- increased screen reader functionality
- building out proper form behaviour
- improve use of BEM naming convention (we set out with the best intentions....)