Welcome to Simply Chocolate, the app for a company that offers and sells delicious chocolates.
Simply Chocolate is an app designed for a chocolate company, providing a delightful user experience for exploring and purchasing chocolates. The app includes a sticky header, a hero section with a "Buy Now" button and information on how the chocolates are made. Additionally, users can choose products through a modal window, enter personal data, and proceed to purchase.
- Sticky header for easy navigation
- Hero section with a "Buy Now" CTA button
- Modal window for product selection and purchase
- Overview of products
- Company benefits
- "Why Choose Us" section
- Animated cards showcasing chocolate ingredients
- Video of the chocolate-making process
- Products list using Swiper
- Top seller section with a "Buy Now" CTA button
- Customer reviews
- Footer with contact information
Caption for Screenshot 1 (simply-chocolate Home Page) Caption for Screenshot 2 (simply-chocolate Home Page)
If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please open an issue.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
I welcome feedback and suggestions from users to improve the application's functionality and user experience.