
:fr: Katellea a pour objectif de favoriser l’accompagnement entre personnes pour réaliser des dons du sang. :gb: Katellea's goal is to help people in order to make blood donations together.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

   _   __        _          _  _
  | | / /       | |        | || |
  | |/ /   __ _ | |_   ___ | || |  ___   __ _
  |    \  / _` || __| / _ \| || | / _ \ / _` |
  | |\  \| (_| || |_ |  __/| || ||  __/| (_| |
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🇫🇷 Katellea a pour objectif d'aider des personnes désireuses de réaliser des dons du sang, mais ne souhaitant pas le faire seul (quelqu'en soit la raison), à solliciter des personnes interessées dans son entourage. Dans un second temps, elles pourront convenir de la meilleure date pour réaliser ce don. L’objectif global est d’attirer les personnes hésitantes à faire des dons du sang grâce à davantage de convivialité.

🇬🇧 Katellea's goal is to help people who want to make blood donation, but not alone, to find interesting people in their entourage. In a second part, they can decide together of the best date to make this donation. The main objective is to help hesistant people to make their first blood donation through conviviality.

Main librairies

Server side :

- Node.js & Express : Back-end server
- MongoDB & Mongoose : ORM

Front-end :

- React, generated with `create-react-app`
- Redux / react-redux
- @reach/router
- dayjs
- final-form / react-final-forms

Install development environment


⚠️ I assume you already have Node.js and Docker installed on your machine ⚠️

📀 Node server

  • In the main folder, run npm install to install dependencies (may take a while).
  • Then, run docker-compose up -d or npm run database to start Mongo database (may take a while)
  • Add french cities and french donations establishment by doing: npm run cities-import and npm run establishments-import
  • Optionnal: add some seeding data to the database by doing cd conf && ./restore-dev-database.sh
  • Start server by doing: npm run start

💻 React frontend

  • Go the frontend/ folder and run npm install
  • Create a environment-local.js in src/ folder with content:
const overridesEnvironmentValues = {};
export default overridesEnvironmentValues;
  • Run npm run start and wait for your browser to start at localhost:8080

  • Note: if you got troubles with max watches, you can type in your terminal : echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p


🚧 Coming soon 🚧


This project is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License.

How to contribute

We are open to comments, questions and contributions! Feel free to open an issue, fork the code, make changes and open a pull request.

⚠️ I'm doing this project on my free time, so I can't promise quick answers ! ⚠️