
Create and validate your forms more easily !

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

/!\ DISCLAIMER : Not really maintain : use at your own risks (or fork it :)) /!\

Preact forms helper 🌛 🌛

Create and control your forms in your Preact application more easily !

  • No dependencies ✨
  • Less than 2Ko (when gzipped) 🎶
/!\ DISCLAIMER : Unofficial library - Not linked to the preact team. It's a personal project /!\

Preact ? 🙋

Preact is a 'Fast 3kB alternative to React with the same modern API.' : https://preactjs.com/
Note : This project has been tested only in Preact, but it should work in React too.

Methods and validators available 🌀

Methods of the form class:

Method Description
hasErrors('fieldName') Return true if the given field has at least one error
updateValidators(newFormValidatorsJSON) Update existing validators - form will be re-validate automatically
 getErrors('fieldName') Return all the errors associated to the given field
isTouched('fieldName')  Return if a field has been modified by an user
hasError('fieldName','errorName') Return true if the given field has the given error
getValues() Return the form values
getValue('fieldName') Return the saved value
setValue('fieldName','value', updateFunc?) Update a form value programatically - form will be re-validate automatically
 isValid()  Return if the form is currently valid
 isSelected('fieldName','value')  Return true if the current value of the given field is equals the entry value (Useful when dealing with checkboxes and radio buttons)


For all input, select and textarea

Validator Description
Validators.required() Field is required

For input[type=number] or input[type=range]

Validator Description
Validators.minInteger() Minimal value (border included)
Validators.maxInteger() Maximal value (border included)
Validators.between() Interval (borders included)

For input[type=text|url|email], select and textarea

Validator Description
Validators.minLength() Minimal length of the text
Validators.maxLength() Maximal length of the text
Validators.email() Check if the input is an email address
Validators.url() Check if the input is a website URL
Validators.alpha() Check if the input contains only letter
Validators.alphaDash() Check if the input contains only letter or underscore
Validators.numeric() Check if the input contains only number
Validators.pattern() Check if the input matches the given regular expression

Note : for checkboxes or select with multiple, minLength and maxLength use the number of elements selected.

For input[type=date]

Validator Description
Validators.dateBeforeToday() The given must be before the today's date (today is not included) => for input[type=date]
Validators.dateAfterToday() The given must be after the today's date (today is not included) => for input[type=date]
Validators.dateBefore() The given must be before the given date (the given date is not included) => for input[type=date]
Validators.dateAfter() The given must be after the given date (the given date is not included) => for input[type=date]

Quick tutorial 🎓

First, you need to create a new Form class and set it in your component state.

import { Form } from 'preact-forms-helpers';

  this.state = {
    form: new Form({
      // Nothing... for now :-)

Then we will add a 'firstname' input which we will be required and its size must at least 2 characters. His first value will be 'Alexandre' (left empty for no value)

import { Form, Validators, validateField } from 'preact-forms-helpers';

  this.state = {
    form: new Form({
      firstname: { value: 'Alexandre', validators: [Validators.required(), Validators.minLength(2)] }

To finish, we create the input field and call the validateField function (with component update function and form as argument)

import { Form, Validators, validateField } from 'preact-forms-helpers';

<input type="text" name="firstname" onInput={validateField(this.forceUpdate, form)} />

What will happen ? On every input from user, the form will be updated, giving you if :

  • The given field has errors : this.state.form.hasErrors('firstname')
  • The errors (if any) : this.state.form.getErrors('firstname')
  • If the field has been modifed : this.state.form.isTouched('firstname') Then the component will be forceUpdate()

Important : The library make the connection between between the form class property and the input by using the input name attribute. As you can see, we got firstname: { validators: [...] } and <input type="text" name="firstname" />.
If you want to use different name between the property and the input, validateField accepts a third argument : onInput={validateField(this.forceUpdate, form, 'myCustomPropertyName')}

To finish, you can check global state of the form by using this.state.form.isValid()

<input disabled={!form.isValid()} type="submit" value="Submit form" />

And then get the form values with this.state.form.getValues()

<form onSubmit={e => { e.preventDefault(); console.log(this.state.form.getValues(); }>

Specials cases : type="checkbox" and <select multiple> 👀

In this case, an array will be saved. To handle it, you have to add: multiple:true when you instanciate the form class. Exemple:   drink: { validators: [...], multiple: true }

Example application 🐬

You can find all use cases above in an example application, available at https://github.com/AlexandreCantin/preact-forms-helper-example

Some screenshots

Text and numbers


E-mail, zipcode, website and text

 Select, radio, checkbox and select.multiple

Roadmap ⚡

  • Reduce bundle size by merging some behavior
  • Find a better than forceUpdate() the component
  • Export validation in his own Web Worker