
This game was my final project for COS312: Unity Game Programming, and is based off of a few different unity tutorial series.

Base Game Setup


Basic AI setup



To run this code, you will need the Unity Game Engine. I have used Unity version 2018.4.16, but any later versions should also work reasonably well and allow for automatic upgrading of the project. After downloading, simply add to your projects in unity and load it up. The editor is not the most efficient way to run the game, and to get smooth performance, I would recommend building app with File -> Build And Run personally for testing it out.

My Additions


Limits to the tank ammo, which did not exist in the demos, as well as a bar to represent this. Collectable items to refill health and ammo. Defense stat to the AI agents which makes them more difficult to defeat.


Agent that seeks ammo/health refills according to certain threshold values. Faster and more accurate agents.


Pause Menu with settings: allows for changing of the game type (single player vs. AI or local multiplayer on one computer). Sound mixing improvements and options to change the in game sound to reasonable ranges.