Subprojects in the IFS-Arpege-LAM code repository, as of pre-CY49

Project Contents Legitimate place
aeolus aeolus observations pre-processing Y
aladin LAM counterparts routines to arpifs Y
algor linear algebra (minimizers, etc...) Y
arpifs models core: dyn, phy, control, algo, obs op, ... Y
atlas_apps ESCAPE dwarfs reintegrated into IFS ?
bin ? N
biper LAM biperiodicization: mathematical routines Y
blacklist observations blacklisting (pre-processed) Y
climfield IFS surface generation Y
cmake definition/configuration files for compilation with cmake Y
contrib (fiat/ectrans, temporarily) Y
coupling LAM coupling/relaxation Y
doc auxiliary files for automatic doc generation ? Y
dummy dummies for IFS (aladin, etc...)
etrans LAM spectral transforms (should join ectrans soon)
glomap ? ?
ifsaux auxiliary libs used by arpifs and other sub-projects (file formats, ...). Y
ifsobs abstraction layer between IFS and ODB
mpa Meso-NH/AROME physics externalisation planned in 49T1, only interfaces may remain
mse interface to SURFEX Y
nemo IFS ocean model : Managed externally, to be taken out ? N
obstat diagnostics about observations assimilation Y
odb ODB format (+ tools) Y
oopsifs interface to OOPS objects Y
prepdata observations pre-processing
radiation radiation scheme (ecrad ?)
satrad satellite retrievals (incl. RTTOV) Y
scat scatterometers processing ?
scmec single column model
ssa surface fields analysis
surf IFS surface scheme Y
surfex copy of SURFEX externalisation planned for CY50 ?
trans leftovers of spectral transforms N
utilities external programs using ifsaux, should not use arpifs (but does) ?
wam IFS wave model: managed externally ? N