Runscape API

A simple RESTful API written in NodeJS that allows the creation of account and handling of physical activities

Dev tools

Installation guide

Node modules are packaged inside the application


  • Have mysql installed
  • Have nodejs installed
  • Have port 80 TCP open


  • Run the script \Documentation\database\scriptCreation.sql
  • Run the script \Documentation\database\SwitzerlandPlaces.sql
  • Create a file under \Code\api\src\config named db.js
    • Content of this file should be : module.exports = {
    • "user": "database_user",
    • "password": "database_user_password",
    • "database": "runscape",
    • "timezone": "UCT+0"
    • };
  • Run the application with node : node app.js (\Code) or nodemon : nodemon app.js

/!\ You might need to remove the STRICT_TRANST_TABLE directive from the sql_mode

You can now create new users using the /api/user endpoint