
Chrome extension to surround selection with brackets or other keys

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This Chrome extension comes from the need to copy your IDE behaviour to your browser.

The first behaviour I want to tackle is the possibility to quickly surround a word with a few particular characters.

List of particular characters:

  • ( => applies () around the selected word/sentence
  • [ => applies [] around the selected word/sentence
  • { => applies {} around the selected word/sentence
  • ' => applies '' around the selected word/sentence
  • " => applies "" around the selected word/sentence
  • * => applies ** around the selected word/sentence


  • This extension is in a beta release, so it can have a few unexpected behaviour that I (try to) fix as I go along using it.
  • This is a very simple extension, so it might not work for elaborate websites (e.g. facebook.com, workplace.com, gmail.com)