
Building a Twitter clone from the teachings at railstutorial.org

Primary LanguageRuby


A simple Ruby on Rails clone of Twitter.

Lessons Learned

  • Additional Ruby experience
  • Learned Rails 4 concepts
  • User authentication
  • Application of REST model and MVC
  • Introduction to a web framework


Step 1: Install gems

In the terminal, type
 		% bundle

The following gems were used:

  • bootstrap
  • bcrypt
  • faker
  • paginate

Step 2: Raking and running

First, create the database
	% rake db:migrate
Then run the server
	% rails s

Step 3: Viewing my website

In a browser, go to
    % localhost:3000


If the gem, 'postgres' doesn't work (as it initially gave me problems in my development), I found using 
	% sudo apt-get install libpq-dev
and then going through the above steps again circumvented the problem.

User Guide

  • Start off by creating an account. All you have to do is provide your name, email, and password (no account validation so you can get started right off the bat!)
  • Customize your avatar (using Gravatar)
  • Start following people to populate your feed
  • Make posts: these will appear on your feed and profile view

(Notable) Documentation


  • User

validates all user authentication has_many :following has_many :followers has_many :microposts defines user's feed

  • Relationship

belongs_to :follower, belongs_to :followed

  • Micropost

belongs_to :user


  • Users/edit

change user settings

  • Users/index

displays all users

  • Users/show

user's profile page

  • Static_Pages

either displays home or a user's feed depending on whether they are logged in

  • Shared/micropost_form

seen in action underneath the user's stats in their feed; this is the different submission options and text box for posting

  • Shared/stats

displays number of posts, followers and those user follows

  • Shared/feed

generates feed in the home page

  • Sessions

new is simply for a new login session

  • Microposts

displays the posts themselves individually with data type

  • Layouts/header

used as the navbar


  • microposts

create and destroy (but only by the correct user)

  • sessions/ relationships

defines create and destroy

  • user

defines following, followers, show, new, edit and create

  • static_page

checks if user is logged in, session's view