

Le but du projet est de développer une plateforme de Web analytics. Le scope du projet s’arrête à la récupération de données côté frontend + backend + côté api de la plateforme. En résumé, les interconnexions à créer sont celles entre le visiteur / le site de tests(frontend et backend) / l’API analytics / le backoffice de la plateforme.

Getting Started

Launch the project:

Create the .env file using the .env.example file. Two env files are needed in :

  • front folder
  • nest-app folder

Using Docker:

Rebuild the containers:

docker compose up -d --remove-orphans --force-recreate --build

Up the containers:

docker compose up -d

Init the postgres database:

docker compose exec api npx prisma migrate dev --name init

Test the project:

By default, this project allow you to test the analytics API using the test website (ItetsuLaTable) and the test backend (nest-app).

  1. Launch the seeding :
docker compose exec api npm run seed
  1. Connect to the backoffice using the following credentials: http://localhost:5173
email: user@user.fr
password: user
  1. Link your app (ItetsuLaTable) to the analytics API using appID and appSecret logged during the seeding. You need to change credentials in src/App.jsx and in src/views/AProposView.jsx

  2. Launch the test website (ItetsuLaTable) and navigate on it to add some data to the analytics API : http://localhost to see how to use the SDK in front app go to front-sdk/readme.md

  3. Use the admin credentials to connect to the backoffice and see the data for all the applications managed by this application: http://localhost:5173

email: admin@admin.fr
password: admin
  1. The admin user can also manage the users of the application and manage the others applications.