
Python crossplatform library for Mac/linux and widows os.Complete system command, send alert, notifications, set brightness, recording audio and video, pair to bluetooth.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Platforms WindowsOS Platforms MacOS
Platforms LinuxOS

Mac-OS Documentation


This lib will help you change system settings such as brightness, volume, color- mode, control your mouse,send notification,open windows, outputing available gadgets , connecting to wifi-network, enable/disable bluetooth device, collect data from devises.You can use this utility for your python project.In the github repository local submodules, install them - not need.However code not working - install them, run script


Installation. Only trough github.

After, import them. Explore main opportunities this library.


Lets try outputting all bluetooth/microphones in python.

import driver_controller

print(driver_controller.OutputListsDevises().get_list_audio_devises(), driver_controller.OutputListsDevises().get_list_bluetooth_devises())


Thats nice, Trying get data about wifi, and connect/disconnect to them.

import driver_controller._mac_engine

channel = driver_controller._mac_engine.MacCmd().Wifi().wifiChannel()# 10

security = driver_controller._mac_engine.MacCmd().Wifi().SecurityType()#  wpa2-psk

speed = driver_controller._mac_engine.MacCmd().Wifi().get_last_speed_by_current_network()
print(speed) # 59

rssi = driver_controller._mac_engine.MacCmd().Wifi().RssiChannelValue()
print(rssi) # -61

# driver_controller._mac_engine.MacCmd().Wifi().connectToMacAddress() # Connect to wi-fi, which used your devise(Mac).

boolean = driver_controller._mac_engine.MacCmd().Wifi().isUsedProxy()# False

noise = driver_controller._mac_engine.MacCmd().Wifi().WifiNetworkNoise()
print(noise) # -78

# driver_controller._mac_engine.MacCmd().Wifi().connectTo(wifi_network='Redmi Note 10 Pro', password='a404f46f67a')

'''[interfaceName=en0, ipv4State={
    ARPResolvedHardwareAddress = "##:##:##:##:##:##";
    ARPResolvedIPAddress = "";
    AdditionalRoutes =     (
            DestinationAddress = "";
            SubnetMask = "";
            DestinationAddress = "##########";
            SubnetMask = "###########";
    Addresses =     (
    ConfirmedInterfaceName = en0;
    InterfaceName = en0;
}, ipv6GlobalSetup=(null)]'''


Create message...

Make Lateral message with:
label: Main title on message
subtitle: Subtitle of message
text: Description of message
:param file_icon: Icon in message (Path to image)
(must locate in project-folder), Point out [None]
if you don't want used icon.

import driver_controller

                                                     text='<TEXT>', file_icon='<FILE_ICON>',


Set brightness of screen.

import driver_controller._mac_engine

br = driver_controller._mac_engine.MacCmd().Brightness()
br.set_birghtness(0.20) # Set birghtness
br.increase_brightness(3) # increase brightness by 3 division 

br.decrease_brightness(3) # decrease brightness by 3 division 
print(br.get_brightness) # Print brightness percent




Enable/unplug wifi/bluetooth.

import driver_controller



Try make Screenshot.

import driver_controller

print(driver_controller.MacCmd().ScreenCapture().screenshot(filename='screenshot', extension='jpg', pause=2))


Create photo in your webcamera.

Method make image trough web-camera cam_index: index where local camera extension: extension of created image filename: name of created file.

import driver_controller


Get a lot of info about your noutbook

from driver_controller import MacCmd

print(MacCmd(). SystemConfig().get_processor_name,  # Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4850HQ CPU @ 2.30GHz
      MacCmd(). SystemConfig().current_connected_wifi_network,  # Gavrilova_60_87_2.4ghz
      MacCmd(). SystemConfig().screen_size,  # ['2880', 'x', '1800']
      MacCmd(). SystemConfig().macos_version,  # Version your Mac os devise: 10.15.7
      MacCmd(). SystemConfig().devise_battery,  # Battery percent: 90%
      MacCmd(). SystemConfig().mac_address(),  # XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
      MacCmd(). SystemConfig().mac_location(),  # (45.XXXXXXXXXXXXXX, 38.XXXXXXXXXXXXXX)
      MacCmd(). SystemConfig().darwin_version,  # x86_64-apple-darwin20.6.0
      MacCmd(). SystemConfig().sensor_temperature(),  # 94
      MacCmd(). SystemConfig().get_disk_memory,  # 500.3Gb
      MacCmd(). SystemConfig().memory_size,  # 16.0
      MacCmd(). SystemConfig().mac_name,  # admin
      MacCmd(). SystemConfig().get_video_card_name,  # NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M
      MacCmd(). SystemConfig().get_mac_serial_number,  # <SERIAL-NUMBER> 



Stream video from webcamera .

record_time : time of recording(seconds) camera_index: camera index filename: name of created file extensions, maybe mkv, mp4, mpg

from driver_controller import MacCmd

MacCmd().WebCameraCapture.webcam_capture(record_time=20, camera_index=0, filename='Out-Video', extension='mkv')


Play sounds, available in mac-os

from driver_controller import MacCmd

Sound.pop_sound(iters=1),     MacCmd().Sound.ping_sound(iters=1),     MacCmd().Sound.blow_sound(iters=1),      MacCmd().Sound.funk_sound(iters=1),      MacCmd().Sound.glass_sound(iters=1),     MacCmd().Sound.sosumi_sound(iters=1),     MacCmd().Sound.submarine_sound(iters=1)


Practical application

Write code for check clicked determined button in alert.

import driver_controller._mac_engine
choice  = driver_controller._mac_engine.MacCmd().Notifier().send_warning_alert(labeltext='Buy new mac?', button1='Yes', button2='No')
if choice == 'Yes':
     driver_controller.MacCmd().Notifier().send_text_alert('Thanks!', 'Wow!')


Set volume with input , get volume percent and etc.

import driver_controller._mac_engine
percent = int(input())


vol = driver_controller._mac_engine.MacCmd().Volume()


Change Mac theme.

import driver_controller._mac_engine

driver_controller._mac_engine.MacCmd().Theme().change_color_mode(pause=1)# Change color mode for Mac.


Open something url. Second argument - browser,and Link.Also we can open spotlight, and application.

import driver_controller._mac_engine

driver_controller._mac_engine.MacCmd().Open().url('https://github.com/Alexandro1112', 'Safari')

driver_controller._mac_engine.MacCmd().Open().open_spotlight()# Entry menu

channel = driver_controller._mac_engine.MacCmd().Open().application('FaceTime')


Play sound by name using:

import driver_controller._mac_engine

sound = driver_controller._mac_engine.MacCmd().Sound()

sound.playSoundByName(soundfile='yoursound.mp3')# sound name 


Is support Mouse? Of course. Move, Click, get possition automatically.

import driver_controller._mac_engine

mouse = driver_controller._mac_engine.MacCmd().Mouse()

mouse.mouse_click(200, 200) # Click in position x=200, y=200
print(mouse.mouse_position) # Return mouse position (x,y)
mouse.mouse_move(1300, 3
600) # Move mouse in position x=1300, y=300

mouse.move_click(600, 70) # Move, and click in position x=600, y=70


Get some data about applications

import driver_controller._mac_engine

size = driver_controller._mac_engine.MacCmd().AppConfigure().get_app_size('Yandex')
d = driver_controller._mac_engine.MacCmd().FileConfig().get_date_create_file('/Applications/Yandex.app')
path = driver_controller._mac_engine.MacCmd().AppConfigure().get_full_path_by_app_name('Safari')
print(size, ',', path, ',', d)
# 295M , /Applications/Safari.app , Thu Dec  5 22:30:38 2019


Just setup illumination.

import driver_controller as dr

for i in range(10):
    # Increase illumination from keys.
for i in range(3):
    # Decrease illumination from keys.


Maybe just pair to bluetooth devise.

import driver_controller._mac_engine as MD
Addresses = list(MD.MacCmd().BlueTooth().get_all_address())[2]  # Connect to third available bluetooth devise by address 
MD.MacCmd().BlueTooth().pair_to_devise(Addresses, 20)


Working with buffer.

import driver_controller as dr

dr.MacCmd().Buffer().copyText('Copied text!')
# Command+C -> Copied text!


Write something via keyboard. Maybe write 1 letter, write more 1 letter, click on hot keys.

import driver_controller
MouseInit = driver_controller.MacCmd().Clicker()
MouseInit.press_hot_key('enter')  # Print key enter
MouseInit.write('Hello world!!')


You can use class BackGroundScreen for setup background screen

import driver_controller

current_img = driver_controller.MacCmd().BackGroundScreen().current_background_image()

driver_controller.MacCmd().BackGroundScreen().set_backgroud(filename='file:/System/Library/Desktop\ Pictures/Dome.heic',
                                                            stretch_img_by_screen_size=False,  # Param tied with stretch of image.

Windows Documentation

For windows no has dependencies. Just run code.


Send notification with:

Label Text Icon

import driver_controller

current_img = driver_controller.WindowsCmd().Notifier().send_text_message(
                                                                 label='New alert!',
                                                                 text='Thanks for using driver-controller',
                                                                 icon='stop')  # Specify STOP, WARNING, or QUESTION


Or setup brightness:

import driver_controller


That was main methods this python library. Exist even linux version. windows, while there less possibilities.