
YouTube PHP library

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

YouTube PHP Library
Current Version: v0.6.1

A PHP library to retieve a user's video data from YouTube
Currently only READ operations are supported

Supports the usage of a developer key - not required but suggested

===== PHP Classes ======
Includes the following PHP classes:
* class YouTube
	Provides methods that enable the retrieval of YouTube Data
	Data can be retrieved in the following formats:
		* ATOM
		* RSS 2.0
		* JSON
	Implements the following functions:
		* Uploads :: getUploadsByUser
		* Favorites :: getFavoritesByUser
		* Playlists :: getPlaylistsByUser
		* Playlist :: getPlaylist
		* Playlist entris :: getPlaylistEntry
		* Subscriptions :: getSubscriptionsByUser
		* RelatedVideos :: getRelatedVideos
		* User Info :: getUserData

* class YouTubeVideo
	A representation of a video object. Holds all the video related data (url, title, comments, etc..)

* class YouTubeVideoComments
	A representation of a video's comments list

* class YouTubeVideoComment
	A representation of a comment object. Holds all the comment related data (author, content, etc..)

* class YouTubeVideoList
	A representation of videos list. Provides methods that enable the retrieaval of video lists (uploads, subscriptions, etc..)

* class YouTubePlaylist
	Extends YouTubeVideoList in order to simplify playlist loading

* class YouTubeUser
	A representation of a user object. Provides methods that enable the retrieval of user's uploads, playlists, etc..