Take home assignment for Sprout.ai

Basically, a (dummy) blog API that interacts with a (dummy) content moderation system. The content moderation takes the form of detection of foul language in blog posts and flagging said blogposts.

How to launch it?

Simple answer: docker-compose up

A bit longer answer: If you don't want to use docker-compose or docker in general, you can launch it locally, following the steps below.

  1. Create a virtual environment, be it venv or conda.
  2. Once done, activate it. Depending on what kind of virtual environment you use, it will be either source <virtual environment name>/bin/activate for venv, or conda activate <virtual environment name> for conda.
  3. Before launching only the dummy API, install pip install -r requirements.txt.
  4. What do I mean by only? You see, to also run tests, type checking, or a better REPL, you will need to install pip install -r dev-requirements.txt. Why so many requirements files, you ask? To keep the docker image size to the minimum.
  5. You're ready to launch it. Type uvicorn blog_api:app into your shell, and you're good to go.

You can access the Swagger docs at http://localhost:8000/docs.

How to develop it? Test it? Type-check it?

First, follow the How to launch it? part. Then...

  1. Run pip install -r dev-requirements.txt.
  2. Run pytest tests/ for testing the project.
  3. Run mypy . for type checking the project. On its first run, it might take a while, don't worry, it's not broken.


I couldn't keep myself from showing off at least a bit. That's why this solution has the following whistles and bells.

  • Because I decided it would be better to detect and flag blogposts with foul language soon after they were added, I opted for a deferred task approach of architecting this thing.
  • Because of this, I needed a way to defer tasks, and that's why I used a ThreadPoolExecutor. Why not go the asyncio way? Because using ThreadPoolExecutor allows for a simple implementation of a kind of client-side rate limiter. Basically, it would somewhat prevent overflowing the ML API from too many in-flight requests by limiting them to the number of max_workers, which can be set with an env var.
  • Also, an exponential backoff strategy, with jitter, was implemented to handle occasional 5xx errors from the ML API. It was inspired by this blog on AWS.

What's missing for it to be a production-like system?

  • More tests.
  • Better (read cleaner) code organization, although I tried.
  • A persistent connection to the ML API, so as to not waste time on TCP and TLS handshakes.
  • Obviously a proper database, the actual content-moderation system, and an easy way to vertically scale the application. I forwarded the container port outside, so it's non-trivial now to docker-compose up --scale=K blog.

There's more, but you got the idea.