trackRepository interface:

  • void add(Track elem)
  • void delete(Track elem) throws Exception
  • Track? search(int id)
  • Track[] getAll() <- might suffer modifications

songRepository interface:

  • void add(Song elem)
  • void delete(Track elem) throws Exception
  • Song? search(int id)
  • Song[] getAll() <- might suffer modifications

musictagRepository interface:

  • void add(MusicTag elem)
  • MusicTag? search(int id)
  • MusicTag[] getAll() <- might suffer modifications

songBuilder interface:

  • should have an internal list
  • void add(Playable elem)
  • void remove(Playable or int)
  • Playable getList()

Service interface:

  • void addTrack(Track elem)
  • void deleteTrack(Track elem)
  • Track? searchTrack(int id)
  • Track[] getAllTracks()
  • private void addSong(Song elem)
  • void deleteSong(Song elem)
  • Song? searchSong(int id)
  • Song[] getAllSongs()
  • void add(MusicTag elem)
  • MusicTag? searchTag(int id)
  • MusicTag[] getAllTags()
  • Song create(Track[] elements)

Playable file format: .wav

How to do Git:

  • Create branch on GitHub
  • Pull on local repository
  • Checkout local branch and work on it
  • Stage and commit as often as possible, and push when done
  • Create pull request on GitHub

For more details: