Auto Clicker

Auto Clicker with hotkeys

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


What things you need to install the software and get it working :

1. An IDE (I use Visual Studio 2019)


Follow this mini guide in order to get a copy of this project up and running on your machine

Say what the step will be

1. After you clone the repo on your machine, open it with your IDE of choice.

2. Build it first. (If you are using Visual Studio, press ctrl + b)

3. Debug it. (F5 in VS)

How to use it

Here you can read more about the functionalities of the app and how to take adventage of them:

1. Check one of the options, depending on what type of click you want to be auto clicking (left or right).

2. Hit "Start" or press F9 when you want to start the app.

3. To stop it, hit "Stop" or F10.

Built With



This project currently does not use any type of license