
Auction BackEnd Application consumed by UI

Primary LanguageJava


Auction BackEnd Application

  • Version: 1.0
  • Spring Boot Framework
  • Spring Security Framework
  • Most up-to-date implementation will be found in the branch master.
  • Final Project Software Development Academy Group Java Iasi 10
  • For deployment add Environment Variables to configuration jasypt.encryptor.password=**** spring.profiles.active=local
  • Username and Password for Database are encrypted with Jasypt for security purpose
  • Jasypt Encrypt command CLI java -cp (path).m2\repository\org\jasypt\jasypt\1.9.3\jasypt-1.9.3.jar org.jasypt.intf.cli.JasyptPBEStringEncryptionCLI input="input" password=password algorithm=algorithm
  • For testing Auction Service please use Postman Collection added in test resources