OrangeKit is a React library built for web applications, designed to seamlessly integrate them with Bitcoin wallets.
OrangeKit currently provides the following:
- A "Connect Wallet" button component that supports signing in with:
- Xverse
- Unisat
- OrdinalSafe
- Other (Via manual message signing)
- Read connected wallet address
- BIP322 utilities:
- Signing
- Verify
npm install orangekit
# or
pnpm install orangekit
# or
yarn add orangekit
# or
bun install orangekit
import React from "react";
import { OrangeKitProvider } from "orangekit";
import "orangekit/dist/index.css";
export default function App() {
return (
<YourApp />
import { ConnectButton } from "orangekit";
export default function YourApp() {
return <ConnectButton />;
- children: The components to render inside the provider.
- options: wallets: An array of wallet objects which the user can connect. Available wallets: {ordinalSafe, unisat, xverse, other} from "orangekit"
OrangeKitProvider({ children, options }: {
children: React.ReactNode;
options?: {
wallets?: Wallet[];
A component that triggers wallet connection.
A custom hook that returns an object with various wallet functions and properties.
- account: An object of type Account.
- signBip322: A function to sign a message using BIP322.
useOrangeKit(): {
account: Account;
signBip322: (message: string) => Promise<string>;
- connected: A boolean to check if a wallet is connected.
- address: The wallet address or null.
- balance: The balance of the wallet.
- network: Either 'livenet', 'testnet', or null. authenticated: A boolean to check if the account has been authenticated.
type Account = {
connected: boolean;
address: string | null;
balance: number;
network: "livenet" | "testnet" | null;
isAuthenticated: boolean;
We welcome all contributors to OrangeKit. Check out our
for guidelines on how to contribute to this project.
For any questions or support, please open an issue in this repository.
OrangeKit is licensed under the MIT License.