
A minecraft forge 1.8.9 mod for PVP & Mega Walls

Primary LanguageJava

release downloads

This is a mod for Minecraft Forge 1.8.9 that contains numerous features and improvements for pvp players and for Hypixel's Mega Walls. Use /mwe to open the config menu.



Download the latest release from the releases page


  1. Be sure you have Java 8 64-bits installed
  2. Download and run the installer of the latest forge 1.8.9 version
  3. Open your .minecraft folder, create a mods folder and place the mod inside
  4. Open the minecraft launcher, select the forge 1.8.9 installation and start the game

Other mods I recommend using :

Note : OrangeMarshall's Vanilla Enhancements is not compatible with this mod, the chat, tablist and hitbox related features from this mod will not work.

Feature list


  • Arrow hit HUD - HUD that displays the health of players when shooting them with a bow
  • Squad HUD - A mini tablist that will display only members of your squad
  • Speed HUD - HUD displaying your speed
  • Mini Potion HUD - just a colored number with remaining duration of potion buffs
  • Chat heads - Display heads of players in front of chat messages (disabled with Feather client)
  • Cancel night vision - Remove the blueish tint from night vision
  • Clear view - Stop rendering particles that are too close (75cm) to the screen for a better visibility
  • Sound warning low HP - Play a sound when your health drops below a certain threshold
  • Limit dropped items - Dynamically modify the render distance for dropped items entities to preserve performance
  • Safe Inventory - Prevent you from dropping your sword or from hotkeying important kit item in outside inventories in Mega Walls
  • Custom hurt color - Change the color entities take when they get hurt
  • Color armor - For players, their armor will be colored as well when they get hurt, as it does in 1.7
  • Team colored hit color - For players, the hurt color will be the color of their team
  • Short coins messages - On Hypixel, remove the booster info in the coins messages to make the message smaller
  • Ban reveal - Reveals the name of the player getting banned when playing on hypixel
  • Colored scores above head - Render the scores/health in colour, according to the score value/health and the player's maximum health points
  • Colored scores in tablist - Render the scores/health in colour, according to the score value/health and the player's maximum health points
  • Hide tablist header/footer - Hide the header and footer text of the tablist
  • Hide tablist ping - Hide the ping values in the tablist if all the values are equal to 1
  • Display playercount in tablist - Display the amount of players in your current lobby at the top of the tablist
  • Change tablist size - Change the amount of players displayed in the tablist (disabled with Patcher)
  • Tabcomplete player names - Ability to tab complete player names in the chat all the time
  • Hide toggle sprint HUD - Hide the toggle sprint HUD from OrangeMarshall's SimpleMod
  • Fix tablist rect background - Fix the background of the tablist not being symetric and sometimes missing pixels on one side
  • Fix actionbar text overlap - Prevent the actionbar text from overlapping with the armor bar if the player has more than 2 rows of health
  • Fix case commands tabcomplete - Fix not being able to tabcomplete commands if the command contains uppercased letters
  • Hide Optifine hats - Hide cosmetic hats added by Optifine during certain seasons
  • Command keybinds - Keybinds to run the commands /kill & /surface

Hitbox mod, better f3+b:

Allows you to customize the look of the f3+b hitboxes.

  • Enable hitboxes for certain entity types - players, grounded arrows, pinned arrows, flying arrows, dropped items, passive mobs, aggressive mobs, item frames, other entities
  • Team colored player hitbox - The player hitbox will take the color of the player's team
  • Team colored arrow hitbox - The arrow hitbox will take the color of the shooter's team
  • Custom hitbox color - Select a custom color for all the hitboxes
  • Real size hitbox - Render the actual hitbox of the player which is a bit larger than what default f3+b shows
  • Draw red eyeline - Draw a red square at the eye level of entities
  • Draw blue vector - Draw a blue line representing the look direction of entities
  • Blue line for players only - Draws the blue line for players only
  • 3m blue line - Make the blue line 3 meters long, to match the reach of players
  • Hide close hitboxes - Stop rendering hitboxes that are closer than a certain distance that you can choose
  • Hitboxes remain enable after restart - unlike vanilla minecraft you won't need to enable it everytime you play

Mega Walls features

  • Colored Leather Armor - Changes iron armor pieces to team colored leather armor
  • Base Location HUD - Shows in which base you are located
  • Creeper primed TNT HUD - Displays the cooldown of the primed tnt when playing Creeper
  • Energy display HUD - Displays the amount of energy you have
  • Kill cooldown HUD - Displays the cooldown on the /kill command
  • Phoenix bond HUD - Displays the amount of hearts healed from a Phoenix bond
  • Strength HUD - Displays the duration of the strength in Mega Walls when playing Dreadlord, Herobrine, Hunter, Zombie. Plays a sound and shows the countdown before getting strength with Hunter.
  • Wither death time HUD - Displays the time left before the last wither standing automatically dies, HUD can be placed in the sidebar
  • Prestige 5 tags - Change the color of golden class tags to a new color according to the amount of classpoints on the class
  • Hide hunger title - Stop rendering the hunger message in the middle of the screen during deathmatch
  • Hide repetitive msg - Hide certain messages that spam the chat in Mega Walls
  • More strength particles - Spawn particles around the player when a dreadlord or herobrine gets strength on kill
  • Renegade arrow count - Display above player heads the amount of arrows you have pinned in them when playing Renegade
  • Nick hider - Display to yourself your own name when you are nicked in Mega Walls
  • Pink Squadmates - Squadmates' nametags will apear pink as well as their hitboxes
  • Notification at 5 mins before a game ends, and 10 seconds before the walls fall if you are not on the game
  • Shows your stats for the game when a game ends
  • Shows class and kit in the chat message when you hit an arrow
  • Prevent clicking the "Play Again" button if you are in a party

Final Kill Counter:

Tracks final kills in Hypixel's Mega Walls.

  • Select HUD style - Final kill HUD can take 3 form, classic (show finals per team), players (show finals per player), compact (show 4 colored numbers) and compact in sidebar
  • Final in tablist - Display the amount of final kills per player in the tablist next to their name
  • Kill diff in chat - When a player with final kills dies, it appends at the end of the chat message the amount of finals lost
  • /fks say - Sends a chat message with the current final score for your teamates to see

Hacker Detector:

Detects players using certain cheats and warns you about those players. It can also automatically report them and save those players in NoCheaters.

  • Autoblock check
  • Fastbreak check
  • Keepsprint check
  • Killaura check - checks attacking through blocks and players, check attacking while eating/drinking
  • Noslowdown check
  • Scaffold check


Saves all the players you report with /wdr (not /report), and gives you warnings about those players when you come across them ingame. Use /unwdr <name> to remove a player.

  • Icons on names - Add an icon in front of nametags and in the tablist for players you have reported
  • Warning message - Print a warning message in chat when a reported player joins your lobby
  • Report suggestion - Highlight certain chat messages sent by players that warn about other players cheating
  • Censor cheaters in chat - Deletes or censors chat messages sent by players you have reported for cheating
  • Report HUD - displays a small text when the mod has a report to send, and which report it is typing
  • You can use /report name boosting & /report name crossteaming as a one step command to report on Hypixel instead of using the book
  • Shows who joined in party with a certain player when you /wdr them, to report the other members for boosting


Most commands require a working Hypixel Api Key, use /mwe set <key> to set your key.

  • /addalias - Give nicknames to players that will show in the tablist behind their name, use /addalias for details
  • /mwe - Open the config menu
  • /nocheaters - Shows reported players in chat, use /nocheaters help for details
  • /plancke - Checks stats of players for different games, use /plancke for details
  • /scangame - In Mega Walls, releaves which accouns are alt accounts with high stats, most likely cheaters
  • /squad - Add and remove players from your squad, use /squad for details
  • /stalk <name> - Reveals what a player is currently doing on the Hypixel Network