
Lab assignments for the course DD2437-Artificial neural networks and deep architectures at KTH

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Architectures labs

Professors: Pawel Herman, Erik Fransén


  • Luca Colasanti
  • Alessandro Sanvito
  • Thuany Stuart

This repository contains the lab assignments for the course DD2437-Artificial neural networks and deep architectures at KTH. Each folder contains the assignment in pdf format, a notebook with the experiments performed for the lab, and the code for a variety of Neural Networks.

In particular, each lab comprises the following implementations:

Folder Neural Networks
lab1 Perceptron, Multi Layer Perceptron(MLP)
lab2 Radial Basis Function(RBF) Networks, Self Organizing Maps(SOMs)
lab3 Hopfield Networks
lab4 Restricted Boltzman Machines(RBMs), Deep Belief Networks(DBNs)