
Comprehensive Oil Forecast Application

👷 Under construction 👷

At the moment, our multinational team develops the Streamlit ML application for predicting oil production for China Oilfield Services Limited (COSL). The application has already been created and uploaded in a private repository, however, for privacy reasons, the data should be updated so that the repo can be freely used.

But please do not get bored! For now let us advise you to read why we named this project Tieren (this is super exciting, trust us 😎)

Team members and responsibilities:

  1. Fahimeh Hadavimoghaddam, Associate professor and AI expert, is a project Team Lead responsible mostly for designing AI models and supervising the work (LinkedIn)
  2. Alexei Rozhenko, Data Scientist, optimizes models and application operations. In addition, he does all the project visualisations, including application design, project reports and user guides (LinkedIn)
  3. Mohammad Ali Sadri, Data Scientist, is involved in the creation of the application (LinkedIn)
  4. Erfan Mohammadian, Distinguished professor, does the theoretical research work and defends the project (LinkedIn)