
Demo for Open Source Summit NA 2020

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Tutorial: Knative + Tekton

Linux Foundation Open Source Summit NA 2020

Slides: Knative-Tekton-OSSNA.pdf

1. Setup Environment

1. Setup Environment

1.1 Setup Kubernetes Clusters
1.1.1 IBM Free Kubernetes Cluster
  1. Select cluster from IBM Cloud console
  2. Click the drop down Action menu on the top right and select Connect via CLI and follow the commands.
  3. Log in to your IBM Cloud account
    ibmcloud login -a cloud.ibm.com -r <REGION> -g <IAM_RESOURCE_GROUP>
  4. Set the Kubernetes context
    ibmcloud ks cluster config -c mycluster
  5. Verify that you can connect to your cluster.
    kubectl version --short
1.1.2 Kubernetes with Minikube
  1. Install minikube Linux, MacOS, Windows. This tutorial was tested with version v1.11.0. You can verify version with
    minkube update-check
  2. Configure your cluster 2 CPUs, 2 GB Memory, and version of kubernetes v1.18.5. If you already have a minikube with different config, you need to delete it for new configuration to take effect or create a new profile.
    minikube delete
    minikube config set cpus 2
    minikube config set memory 2048
    minikube config set kubernetes-version v1.18.5
  3. Start your minikube cluster
    minikube start
  4. Verify versions if the kubectl, the cluster, and that you can connect to your cluster.
    kubectl version --short
1.1.3 Kubernetes with Katacoda
1.2 Setup Command Line Interface (CLI) Tools
1.3 Setup Container Registry
  1. Get access to a container registry such as quay, dockerhub, or your own private registry instance from a Cloud provider such as IBM Cloud 😉. On this tutorial we are going to use Dockerhub
  2. Set the environment variables REGISTRY_SERVER, REGISTRY_NAMESPACE and REGISTRY_PASSWORD, The REGISTRY_NAMESPACE most likely would be your dockerhub username. For Dockerhub use docker.io as the value for REGISTRY_SERVER
  3. You can use the file .template.env as template for the variables
    cp .template.env .env
    # edit the file .env with variables and credentials the source the file
    source .env
1.4 Setup Git
  • Get access to a git server such as gitlab, github, or your own private git instance from a Cloud provider such as IBM Cloud 😉. On this tutorial we are going to use GitHub
  1. Fork this repository https://github.com/csantanapr/knative-tekton
  2. Set the environment variable GIT_REPO_URL to the url of your fork, not mine.
  3. Clone the repository and change directory
    git clone $GIT_REPO_URL
    cd knative-tekton
  4. You can use the file .template.env as template for the variables
    cp .template.env .env
    # edit the file .env with variables and credentials the source the file
    source .env
2. Install Knative Serving

2. Install Knative Serving

  1. Install Knative Serving in namespace knative-serving
    kubectl apply --filename https://github.com/knative/serving/releases/download/v0.15.1/serving-crds.yaml
    kubectl apply --filename https://github.com/knative/serving/releases/download/v0.15.1/serving-core.yaml
  2. Install Knative Layer kourier in namespace kourier-system
    kubectl apply --filename https://github.com/knative/net-kourier/releases/download/v0.15.0/kourier.yaml
  3. Set the environment variable EXTERNAL_IP to External IP Address of the Worker Node
    EXTERNAL_IP=$(minkube ip || kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath='{.items[0].status.addresses[?(@.type=="ExternalIP")].address}')
  4. Set the environment variable KNATIVE_DOMAIN as the DNS domain using nip.io
  5. Configure DNS for Knative Serving
    kubectl patch configmap -n knative-serving config-domain -p "{\"data\": {\"$KNATIVE_DOMAIN\": \"\"}}"
  6. Configure Kourier to listen for http port 80 on the External IP
    cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
      name: kourier-ingress
      namespace: kourier-system
        networking.knative.dev/ingress-provider: kourier
        app: 3scale-kourier-gateway
        - name: http2
          port: 80
          protocol: TCP
          targetPort: 8080
        - $EXTERNAL_IP
  7. Configure Knative to use Kourier
    kubectl patch configmap/config-network \
      --namespace knative-serving \
      --type merge \
      --patch '{"data":{"ingress.class":"kourier.ingress.networking.knative.dev"}}'
  8. Verify that Knative is Installed properly all pods should be in Running state and our kourier-ingress service configured.
    kubectl get pods -n knative-serving
    kubectl get pods -n kourier-system
    kubectl get svc  -n kourier-system kourier-ingress
3. Using Knative to Run Serverless Applications

3. Using Knative to Run Serverless Applications

  1. Set the environment variable SUB_DOMAIN to the kubernetes namespace with Domain name <namespace>.<domainname> this way we can use any kubernetes namespace other than default
    CURRENT_CTX=$(kubectl config current-context)
    CURRENT_NS=$(kubectl config view -o=jsonpath="{.contexts[?(@.name==\"${CURRENT_CTX}\")].context.namespace}")
    if [[ -z "${ns}" ]]; then CURRENT_NS="default" fi
3.1 Create Knative Service

3.1 Create Knative Service

  1. Using the Knative CLI kn deploy an application usig a Container Image

    kn service create hello --image gcr.io/knative-samples/helloworld-go
  2. You can list your service

    kn service list hello
  3. Use curl to invoke the Application

    curl http://hello.$SUB_DOMAIN

    It should print

    Hello World!
  4. You can watch the pods and see how they scale down to zero after http traffic stops to the url

    kubectl get pod -l serving.knative.dev/service=hello -w

    Output should look like this after a few seconds when http traffic stops:

    NAME                                     READY   STATUS
    hello-r4vz7-deployment-c5d4b88f7-ks95l   2/2     Running
    hello-r4vz7-deployment-c5d4b88f7-ks95l   2/2     Terminating
    hello-r4vz7-deployment-c5d4b88f7-ks95l   1/2     Terminating
    hello-r4vz7-deployment-c5d4b88f7-ks95l   0/2     Terminating

    Try to access the url again, and you will see the new pods running again.

    NAME                                     READY   STATUS
    hello-r4vz7-deployment-c5d4b88f7-rr8cd   0/2     Pending
    hello-r4vz7-deployment-c5d4b88f7-rr8cd   0/2     ContainerCreating
    hello-r4vz7-deployment-c5d4b88f7-rr8cd   1/2     Running
    hello-r4vz7-deployment-c5d4b88f7-rr8cd   2/2     Running

    Some people call this Serverless 🎉 🌮 🔥

3.2 Updating the Knative service

3.2 Updating the Knative service

  1. Update the service hello with a new environment variable TARGET
    kn service update hello --env TARGET="World from v1" 
  2. Now invoke the service
    curl http://hello.$SUB_DOMAIN
    It should print
    Hello World from v1!
3.3 Knative Service Traffic Splitting

3.3 Knative Service Traffic Splitting

  1. Update the service hello by updating the environment variable TARGET, tag the previous version v1, send 25% traffic to this new version and leaving 75% of the traffic to v1

    kn service update hello \
     --env TARGET="Knative from v2" \
     --tag $(kubectl get ksvc hello --template='{{.status.latestReadyRevisionName}}')=v1 \
     --traffic v1=75,@latest=25
  2. Describe the service to see the traffic split details

    kn service describe  hello

    Should print this

    Name:       hello
    Namespace:  debug
    Age:        6m
    URL:        http://hello.$SUB_DOMAIN
      25%  @latest (hello-mshgs-3) [3] (26s)
            Image:  gcr.io/knative-samples/helloworld-go (pinned to 5ea96b)
      75%  hello-tgzmt-2 #v1 [2] (6m)
            Image:  gcr.io/knative-samples/helloworld-go (pinned to 5ea96b)
      OK TYPE                   AGE REASON
      ++ Ready                  21s 
      ++ ConfigurationsReady    24s 
      ++ RoutesReady            21s 
  3. Invoke the service usign a while loop you will see the message Hello Knative from v2 25% of the time

    while true; do
    curl http://hello.$SUB_DOMAIN 

    Should print this

    Hello World from v1!
    Hello Knative from v2!
    Hello World from v1!
    Hello World from v1!
  4. Update the service this time dark launch new version v3 on a specific url, zero traffic will go to this version from the main url of the service

    kn service update hello \
        --env TARGET="OSS NA 2020 from v3" \
        --tag $(kubectl get ksvc hello --template='{{.status.latestReadyRevisionName}}')=v2 \
        --tag @latest=v3 \
        --traffic v1=75,v2=25,@latest=0
  5. Describe the service to see the traffic split details, v3 doesn't get any traffic

    kn service describe  hello

    Should print this

        +  @latest (hello-wkyty-4) #v3 [4] (1m)
            Image:  gcr.io/knative-samples/helloworld-go (pinned to 5ea96b)
    25%  hello-fbzqf-3 #v2 [3] (6m)
            Image:  gcr.io/knative-samples/helloworld-go (pinned to 5ea96b)
    75%  hello-kcspq-2 #v1 [2] (7m)
            Image:  gcr.io/knative-samples/helloworld-go (pinned to 5ea96b)
  6. The latest version of the service is only available with an url prefix v3-, go ahead and invoke the latest directly.

    curl http://v3-hello.$SUB_DOMAIN

    It shoud print this

    Hello OSS NA from v3!
  7. We are happy with our darked launch version of the application, lets turn it live to 100% of the users on the default url

    kn service update hello --traffic @latest=100
  8. Describe the service to see the traffic split details, @latest now gets 100% of the traffic

    kn service describe  hello

    Should print this

    100%  @latest (hello-wkyty-4) #v3 [4] (4m)
            Image:  gcr.io/knative-samples/helloworld-go (pinned to 5ea96b)
        +  hello-fbzqf-3 #v2 [3] (8m)
            Image:  gcr.io/knative-samples/helloworld-go (pinned to 5ea96b)
        +  hello-kcspq-2 #v1 [2] (9m)
            Image:  gcr.io/knative-samples/helloworld-go (pinned to 5ea96b)
  9. If we invoke the service in a loop you will see that 100% of the traffic is directed to version v3 of our application

    while true; do
    curl http://hello.$SUB_DOMAIN 

    Should print this

    Hello OSS NA 2020 from v3!
    Hello OSS NA 2020 from v3!
    Hello OSS NA 2020 from v3!
    Hello OSS NA 2020 from v3!
  10. By using tags the custom urls with tag prefix are still available, in case you want to access an old revision of the application

    curl http://v1-hello.$SUB_DOMAIN 
    curl http://v2-hello.$SUB_DOMAIN 
    curl http://v3-hello.$SUB_DOMAIN 

    It should print

    Hello World from v1!
    Hello Knative from v2!
    Hello OSS NA 2020 from v3!
  11. Now that you have your service configure and deploy, you want to reproduce this using a kubernetes manifest using YAML in a different namespace or cluster. You can define your Knative service using the following YAML you can use the command kn service export

    Show me the Knative YAML
    apiVersion: serving.knative.dev/v1
    kind: Service
      name: hello
          name: hello-v1
            - env:
                - name: TARGET
                  value: World from v1
              image: gcr.io/knative-samples/helloworld-go
    apiVersion: serving.knative.dev/v1
    kind: Service
      name: hello
          name: hello-v2
            - env:
                - name: TARGET
                  value: Knative from v2
              image: gcr.io/knative-samples/helloworld-go
    apiVersion: serving.knative.dev/v1
    kind: Service
      name: hello
          name: hello-v3
            - env:
                - name: TARGET
                  value: OSS NA 2020 from v3
              image: gcr.io/knative-samples/helloworld-go
        - latestRevision: false
          percent: 0
          revisionName: hello-v1
          tag: v1
        - latestRevision: false
          percent: 0
          revisionName: hello-v2
          tag: v2
        - latestRevision: true
          percent: 100
          tag: v3

    If you want to deploy usign YAML, delete the Application with kn and redeploy with kubectl

    kn service delete hello
    kubectl apply -f knative/v1.yaml
    kubectl apply -f knative/v2.yaml
    kubectl apply -f knative/v3.yaml

    Try the service again

    while true; do
    curl http://hello.$SUB_DOMAIN 
  12. Delete the Application and all it's revisions

    kn service delete hello
4. Install Tekton Pipelines

4. Install Tekton

4.1 Install Tekton Pipelines
  • Install Tekton Pipelines in namespace tekton-pipelines
    kubectl apply --filename https://storage.googleapis.com/tekton-releases/pipeline/previous/v0.13.2/release.yaml
4.2 Install Tekton Dashboard (Optional)

4.2 Install Tekton Dashboard (Optional)

  1. Install Tekton Dashboard in namespace tekton-pipelines
    kubectl apply --filename https://github.com/tektoncd/dashboard/releases/download/v0.7.0/tekton-dashboard-release.yaml
  2. To access the dashboard you can configure a service with NodePort
    kubectl expose service tekton-dashboard --name tekton-dashboard-ingress --type=NodePort -n tekton-pipelines
  3. Set an environment variable TEKTON_DASHBOARD_URL with the url to access the Dashboard
    EXTERNAL_IP=$(minkube ip || kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath='{.items[0].status.addresses[?(@.type=="ExternalIP")].address}')
    TEKTON_DASHBOARD_NODEPORT=$(kubectl get svc tekton-dashboard-ingress -n tekton-pipelines -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}')
4.3 Verify Tekton Pipeline Install

4.3 Verify Tekton Pipeline Install

  • Verify that the pods are in Running state in the tekton-pipelines namespace. If you installed the Tekton Dashboard also check that the service exist and in our case configure as NodePort
    kubectl get pods -n tekton-pipelines
    kubectl get svc tekton-dashboard-ingress -n tekton-pipelines
5. Using Tekton to Build and Deploy Applications

5. Using Tekton to Build Applications

  • Tekton helps create composable DevOps Automation by putting together Tasks, and Pipelines
5.1 Configure Credentials and ServiceAccounts for Tekton

5.1 Configure Access for Tekton

  1. We need to package our application in a Container Image and store this Image in a Container Registry. Since we are going to need to create secrets with the registry credentials we are going to create a ServiceAccount pipelines with the associated secret regcred. Make sure you setup your container credentials as environment variables. Checkout the Setup Container Registry in the Setup Environment section on this tutorial. This commands will print your credentials make sure no one is looking over, the printed command is what you need to run.
    echo ""
    echo kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred \
      --docker-server=\'${REGISTRY_SERVER}\' \
      --docker-username=\'${REGISTRY_NAMESPACE}\' \
    echo "\nRun the above command manually ^^ this avoids problems with certain charaters in your password on  the shell"
    NOTE: If you password have some characters that are interpreted by the shell, then do NOT use environment variables, explicit enter your values in the command wrapped by single quotes '
  2. Verify the secret regcred was created
    kubectl describe secret regcred
  3. Create a ServiceAccount pipeline that contains the secret regsecret that we just created
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ServiceAccount
      name: pipeline
      - name: regcred
    Run the following command with the provided YAML
    kubectl apply -f tekton/sa.yaml
  4. We are going to be using Tekton to deploy the Knative Service, we need to configure RBAC to provide edit access to the current namespace default to the ServiceAccount pipeline if you are using a different namespace than default edit the file tekton/rbac.yaml and provide the namespace where to create the Role and the RoleBinding fo more info check out the RBAC docs. Run the following command to grant access to sa pipelines
    kubectl apply -f tekton/rbac.yaml
5.2 The Build Tekton Task

5.2 The Build Tekton Task

  1. In this repository we have a sample application, you can see the source code in ./nodejs/src/app.js This application is using JavaScript to implement a web server, but you can use any language you want.

    const app = require("express")()
    const server = require("http").createServer(app)
    const port = process.env.PORT || "8080"
    const message = process.env.TARGET || 'Hello World'
    app.get('/', (req, res) => res.send(message))
    server.listen(port, function () {
        console.log(`App listening on ${port}`)
  2. I provided a Tekton Task that can download source code from git, build and push the Image to a registry.

    Show me the Build Task YAML
    apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
    kind: Task
    name: build
        - name: repo-url
        description: The git repository url
        - name: revision
        description: The branch, tag, or git reference from the git repo-url location
        default: master
        - name: image
        description: "The location where to push the image in the form of <server>/<namespace>/<repository>:<tag>"
        - name: CONTEXT
        description: Path to the directory to use as context.
        default: .
        - name: BUILDER_IMAGE
        description: The location of the buildah builder image.
        default: quay.io/buildah/stable:v1.14.8
        - name: STORAGE_DRIVER
        description: Set buildah storage driver
        default: overlay
        - name: DOCKERFILE
        description: Path to the Dockerfile to build.
        default: ./Dockerfile
        - name: TLSVERIFY
        description: Verify the TLS on the registry endpoint (for push/pull to a non-TLS registry)
        default: "false"
        - name: FORMAT
        description: The format of the built container, oci or docker
        default: "oci"
        - name: git-clone
        image: alpine/git
        script: |
            git clone $(params.repo-url) /source
            cd /source
            git checkout $(params.revision)
            - name: source
            mountPath: /source
        - name: build-image
        image: $(params.BUILDER_IMAGE)
        workingdir: /source
        script: |
            echo "Building Image $(params.image)"
            buildah --storage-driver=$(params.STORAGE_DRIVER) bud --format=$(params.FORMAT) --tls-verify=$(params.TLSVERIFY) -f $(params.DOCKERFILE) -t $(params.image) $(params.CONTEXT)
            echo "Pushing Image $(params.image)"
            buildah  --storage-driver=$(params.STORAGE_DRIVER) push --tls-verify=$(params.TLSVERIFY) --digestfile ./image-digest $(params.image) docker://$(params.image)
            privileged: true
            - name: varlibcontainers
            mountPath: /var/lib/containers
            - name: source
            mountPath: /source
        - name: varlibcontainers
        emptyDir: {}
        - name: source
        emptyDir: {}
  3. Install the provided task build like this.

    kubectl apply -f tekton/task-build.yaml
  4. You can list the task that we just created using the tkn CLI

    tkn task ls
  5. We can also get more details about the build Task using tkn task describe

    tkn task describe build
  6. Let's use the Tekton CLI to test our build Task you need to pass the ServiceAccount pipeline to be use to run the Task. You will need to pass the GitHub URL to your fork or use this repository. You will need to pass the directory within the repository where the application in our case is nodejs. The repository image name is knative-tekton

    tkn task start build --showlog \
      -p repo-url=${GIT_REPO_URL} \
      -p image=${REGISTRY_SERVER}/${REGISTRY_NAMESPACE}/knative-tekton \
      -p CONTEXT=nodejs \
      -s pipeline 
  7. You can check out the container registry and see that the image was pushed to repository a minute ago, it should return status Code 200

    curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}\n" https://index.$REGISTRY_SERVER/v1/repositories/$REGISTRY_NAMESPACE/knative-tekton/tags/latest
5.3 The Deploy Tekton Task

5.3 The Deploy Tekton Task

  1. I provided a Deploy Tekton Task that can run kubectl to deploy the Knative Application using a YAML manifest.

    Show me the Deploy Task YAML
    apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
    kind: Task
    name: deploy
        - name: repo-url
        description: The git repository url
        - name: revision
        description: The branch, tag, or git reference from the git repo-url location
        default: master
        - name: dir
        description: Path to the directory to use as context.
        default: .
        - name: yaml
        description: Path to the directory to use as context.
        default: ""
        - name: image
        description: Path to the container image
        default: ""
        - name: KUBECTL_IMAGE
        description: The location of the kubectl image.
        default: docker.io/csantanapr/kubectl
        - name: git-clone
        image: alpine/git
        script: |
            git clone $(params.repo-url) /source
            cd /source
            git checkout $(params.revision)
            - name: source
            mountPath: /source
        - name: kubectl-apply
        image: $(params.KUBECTL_IMAGE)
        workingdir: /source
        script: |
            if [ "$(params.image)" != "" ] && [ "$(params.yaml)" != "" ]; then
            yq w -i $(params.dir)/$(params.yaml) "spec.template.spec.containers[0].image" "$(params.image)"
            cat $(params.dir)/$(params.yaml)
            kubectl apply -f $(params.dir)/$(params.yaml)
            - name: source
            mountPath: /source
        - name: source
        emptyDir: {}
  2. Install the provided task deploy like this.

    kubectl apply -f tekton/task-deploy.yaml
  3. You can list the task that we just created using the tkn CLI

    tkn task ls
  4. We can also get more details about the deploy Task using tkn task describe

    tkn task describe deploy
  5. I provided a Task YAML that defines our Knative Application in knative/service.yaml

    apiVersion: serving.knative.dev/v1
    kind: Service
      name: demo
            - image: docker.io/csantanapr/knative-tekton
              imagePullPolicy: Always
                - name: TARGET
                  value: Welcome to OSS NA 2020
  6. Let's use the Tekton CLI to test our deploy Task you need to pass the ServiceAccount pipeline to be use to run the Task. You will need to pass the GitHub URL to your fork or use this repository. You will need to pass the directory within the repository where the application yaml manifest is located and the file name in our case is knative and service.yaml .

    tkn task start deploy --showlog \
      -p image=${REGISTRY_SERVER}/${REGISTRY_NAMESPACE}/knative-tekton \
      -p repo-url=${GIT_REPO_URL} \
      -p dir=knative \
      -p yaml=service.yaml \
      -s pipeline 
  7. You can check out that the Knative Application was deploy

    kn service list demo
5.4 The Build and Deploy Pipeline

5.4 The Build and Deploy Pipeline

  1. If we want to build the application image and then deploy the application, we can run the Tasks build and deploy by defining a Pipeline that contains the two Tasks, deploy the Pipeline build-deploy.

    Show me the Pipeline YAML
    apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
    kind: Pipeline
    name: build-deploy
        - name: repo-url
        default: https://github.com/csantanapr/knative-tekton
        - name: revision
        default: master
        - name: image
        default: docker.io/csantanapr/knative-tekton
        - name: image-tag
        default: latest
        - name: CONTEXT
        default: nodejs
        - name: build
            name: build
            - name: image
            value: $(params.image):$(params.image-tag)
            - name: repo-url
            value: $(params.repo-url)
            - name: revision
            value: $(params.revision)
            - name: CONTEXT
            value: $(params.CONTEXT)
        - name: deploy
        runAfter: [build]
            name: deploy
            - name: image
            value: $(params.image):$(params.image-tag)
            - name: repo-url
            value: $(params.repo-url)
            - name: revision
            value: $(params.revision)
            - name: dir
            value: knative
            - name: yaml
            value: service.yaml
  2. Install the Pipeline with this command

    kubectl apply -f tekton/pipeline-build-deploy.yaml
  3. You can list the pipeline that we just created using the tkn CLI

    tkn pipeline ls
  4. We can also get more details about the build-deploy Pipeline using tkn pipeline describe

    tkn pipeline describe build-deploy
  5. Let's use the Tekton CLI to test our build-deploy Pipeline you need to pass the ServiceAccount pipeline to be use to run the Tasks. You will need to pass the GitHub URL to your fork or use this repository. You will also pass the Image location where to push in the the registry and where Kubernetes should pull the image for the Knative Application. The directory and filename for the Kantive yaml are already specified in the Pipeline definition.

    tkn pipeline start build-deploy --showlog \
      -p image=${REGISTRY_SERVER}/${REGISTRY_NAMESPACE}/knative-tekton \
      -p repo-url=${GIT_REPO_URL} \
      -s pipeline 
  6. You can inpect the results and duration by describing the last PipelineRun

    tkn pipelinerun describe --last
  7. Check that the latest Knative Application revision is ready

    kn service list demo
  8. Run the Application using the url

    curl http://demo.$SUB_DOMAIN

    It shoudl print

    Welcome to OSS NA 2020 
6. Automate the Tekton Pipeline using Git Web Hooks Triggers

6. Automate the Tekton Pipeline using Git Web Hooks

6.1 Install Tekton Triggers

6.1 Install Tekton Triggers

  1. Install Tekton Triggers in namespace tekton-pipelines
    kubectl apply --filename  https://storage.googleapis.com/tekton-releases/triggers/previous/v0.5.0/release.yaml
6.2 Create TriggerTemplate, TriggerBinding

6.2 Create TriggerTemplate, TriggerBinding

  1. When the Webhook invokes we want to start a Pipeline, we will a TriggerTemplate to use a specification on which Tekton resources should be created, in our case will be creating a new PipelineRun this will start a new Pipeline install.

    Show me the TriggerTemplate YAML
    apiVersion: triggers.tekton.dev/v1alpha1
    kind: TriggerTemplate
    name: build-deploy
        - name: gitrevision
        description: The git revision
        default: master
        - name: gitrepositoryurl
        description: The git repository url
        - name: gittruncatedsha
        - apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
        kind: PipelineRun
            generateName: build-deploy-run-
            serviceAccountName: pipeline
            name: build-deploy
            - name: revision
                value: $(params.gitrevision)
            - name: repo-url
                value: $(params.gitrepositoryurl)
            - name: image-tag
                value: $(params.gittruncatedsha)
  2. Install the TriggerTemplate

    kubectl apply -f tekton/trigger-template.yaml
  3. When the Webhook invokes we want to extract information from the Web Hook http request sent by the Git Server, we will use a TriggerBinding this information is what gets passed to the TriggerTemplate.

    Show me the TriggerBinding YAML
    apiVersion: triggers.tekton.dev/v1alpha1
    kind: TriggerBinding
    name: build-deploy
        - name: gitrevision
        value: $(body.head_commit.id)
        - name: gitrepositoryurl
        value: $(body.repository.url)
        - name: gittruncatedsha
        value: $(body.extensions.truncated_sha)
  4. Install the TriggerBinding

    kubectl apply -f tekton/trigger-binding.yaml
6.3 Create Trigger EventListener

6.3 Create Trigger EventListener

  1. To be able to handle the http request sent by the GitHub Webhook, we need a webserver. Tekton provides a way to define this listeners that takes the TriggerBinding and the TriggerTemplate as specification. We can specify Interceptors to handle any customization for example I only want to start a new Pipeline only when push happens on the main branch.

    Show me the Trigger Eventlistener YAML
    apiVersion: triggers.tekton.dev/v1alpha1
    kind: EventListener
    name: cicd
    serviceAccountName: pipeline
        - name: cicd-trig
            - ref: build-deploy
            name: build-deploy
            - cel:
                filter: "header.match('X-GitHub-Event', 'push') && body.ref == 'refs/heads/master'"
                - key: extensions.truncated_sha
                    expression: "body.head_commit.id.truncate(7)"
  2. Install the Trigger EventListener

    kubectl apply -f tekton/trigger-listener.yaml
  3. The Eventlister creates a deployment and a service you can list both using this command

    kubectl get deployments,eventlistener,svc -l eventlistener=cicd
6.4 Get URL for Git WebHook

6.4 Get URL for Git WebHook

  • If you are using the IBM Free Kubernetes cluster a public IP Address is alocated to your worker node and we will use this one for this part of the tutorial. It will depend on your cluster and how traffic is configured into your Kubernetes Cluster, you would need to configure an Application Load Balancer (ALB), Ingress, or in case of OpenShift a Route. If you are running the Kubernetes cluster on your local workstation using something like minikube, kind, docker-desktop, or k3s then I recommend a Cloud Native Tunnel solution like inlets by the open source contributor Alex Ellis.
  1. Expose the EventListener as NodePort
    kubectl expose service el-cicd --name el-cicd-ingress --type=NodePort
  2. Get the url using the external IP of the worker node and the NodePort assign. Set an environment variable GIT_WEBHOOK_URL
    EXTERNAL_IP=$(minkube ip || kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath='{.items[0].status.addresses[?(@.type=="ExternalIP")].address}')
    GIT_WEBHOOK_NODEPORT=$(kubectl get svc el-cicd-ingress -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}')
    WARNING: Take into account that this URL is insecure is using http and not https, this means you should not use this type of URL for real work environments, In that case you would need to expose the service for the eventlistener using a secure connection using https
  3. Add the Git Web Hook url to your Git repository
    1. Open Settings in your Github repository
    2. Click on the side menu Webhooks
    3. Click on the top right Add webhook
    4. Copy and paste the $GIT_WEBHOOK_URL value into the Payload URL
    5. Select from the drop down Content type application/json
    6. Select Send me everything to handle all types of git events.
    7. Click Add webhook
  4. Now make a change to the application manifest such like changing the message in knative/service.yaml to something like My First Serveless App @ OSS NA 2020 🎉 🌮 🔥 🤗! and push the change to the master branch
  5. (Optional) If you can't receive the git webhook, for example if using minikube you can emulate the git web hook using by sending a http request directly with git payload. You can edit the file tekton/hook.json to use a different git commit value.
    curl -H "X-GitHub-Event:push" -d @tekton/hook.json $GIT_WEBHOOK_URL
  6. A new Tekton PipelineRun gets created starting a new Pipeline Instance. You can check in the Tekton Dashboard for progress of use the tkn CLI
    tkn pipeline logs -f --last
  7. To see the details of the execution of the PipelineRun use the tkn CLI
    tkn pipelinerun describe --last
  8. The Knative Application Application is updated with the new Image built using the tag value of the 7 first characters of the git commit sha, describe the service using the kn CLI
    kn service describe demo
  9. Invoke your new built revision for the Knative Application
    curl http://demo.$SUB_DOMAIN
    It should print
    My First Serveless App @ OSS NA 2020  🎉 🌮 🔥 🤗!