
Primary LanguageJavaScript


It is yet another pattern matching library for coffeescript. Well, it is written on javascript and could be used with javascript directly, but syntax was created specially for coffeescript.

Example of usage - http://jsfiddle.net/GRaAL/cowzckLc/

Features & Syntax

See it on jsfiddle - http://jsfiddle.net/GRaAL/a5qh6pob/

{Match, When, Having, ObjectOf, Tail} = require('./procrust.js')

# Here we create function that accepts any number of arguments and compares it with provided patterns.
# If no one matches then exception will be thrown.
# Patterns are checked one by one in order they appear in the code.
fn = Match -> [
  # Compares argument with exact number. If equal - executes corresponding expression.
  # Here - returns 'exact number' string
  #    fn(1) matches
  #    fn(2) does not
  When 1,                 -> "exact number"

  # Same with string
  #    fn("test") matches
  #    fn(2) does not
  When "test",            -> "exact string"

  # Here we bind @x variable to the argument if its constructor is Number
  # Note that then @x variable is used in expression
  #    fn(4) matches
  #    fn("nope") does not
  When @x = Number,       -> "constructor + store result in variable x = #{@x}"

  # Matches empty array
  #    fn([]) matches
  #    fn([1]) does not
  When [],                -> "empty array"

  # Matches array of exact 3 strings. Larger arrays or arrays with other data will be rejected
  #    fn(["a","b","c"]) matches
  #    fn(["a","b","c","d"]) does not
  When ["a","b","c"],     -> "exact array"

  # Matches array of any 3 elements, then first one is bound to variable @a, second and third ones - to @b and @c
  #    fn([1, "2", [3]]) matches
  #    fn([]) does not
  When [@a, @b, @c],      -> "array of 3 elements: #{@a}, #{@b}, #{@c}"

  # Matches array of 2 elements. Note that if we use the same variable then values shall be equal.
  #    fn([1,1]) matches
  #    fn([1,"1"]) does not
  When [@a, @a],          -> "array of 2 identical elements: #{@a}"

  # Accepts any array of length >= 1 and binds first element to @head and the rest elements to @tail
  # And yes, this is bitwise OR operator
  #    fn([1,2,3]) matches (so head = 1, tail = [2,3])
  #    fn([1]) matches (so head = 1, tail = [])
  #    fn([]) does not
  When [@head | @tail],   -> "split on head and tail - #{@head} | #{@tail}"

  # That fancy '|' way does not work for primitives, so tail shall be marked explicitly with Tail function
  #    fn(x:["start", 1, 2]) matches (so tail = [1,2])
  When x:["start", Tail(@tail)],  -> "split on primitive head and tail #{@tail}"

  # Alternative is to use coffeescript native syntax
  When x:["stop", @tail...],     -> "split on primitive head and tail #{@tail} using coffeescript syntax"

  # Matches object with existent field 'a'. Ignores presence of other fields. And binds field's value to variable @a
  #    fn({a: 10}) matches
  #    fn({a: 10, b: 20}) matches
  #    fn({b: 20}) does not
  When {a: @a},           -> "object with field a = #{@a}"

  # Matches object with existent fields z and y. Value of field y does not matter
  When {z: @z, y: @_},    -> "object with field z = #{@z} and any field y"

  # Matches object with nested field which shall have x property equal to 5. The nested field is bound to @nested variable
  #    fn({nested: {x:5,y:10}}) matches, so @nested = {x:5,y:10}
  #    fn({nested: {x:1}}) does not
  When {nested: @nested = {x: 5}}, -> "object with field nested = '#{JSON.stringify(@nested)}' where x = 5"

  # Matches object with fields x and y which is of type Point
  When ObjectOf(Point, {x:@x, y: @y}),        -> "custom object with fields x = #{@x}, y = #{@y}"

  # Same as before, but instead of ObjectOf we use class constructor itself. See how it is implemented to achieve
  # this syntax.
  When Line(point1: @p1 = Point$(x: 0, y: 0), point2: @p2 = Point), -> "custom object with modified constructor, p1 = #{@p1}, p2 = #{@p2}"

  # When pattern is matched the bound variables could be checked in guard function and it may reject the value
  # Following 2 patterns are equal, but first one works only for strings having exclamation mark character at beginning
  #    fn("!test") matches, 1st expression
  #    fn("test") matches, 2nd expression
  When @s = String, Having(-> @s[0] == '!') -> "guard expression for string #{@s} (shall start with exclamation mark)"
  When @s = String,        -> "no guard expression - any string #{@s}"

  # This pattern matches any single argument (except undefined/null)
  When @_,                 -> "anything else"

  # This pattern matches two different arguments
  #    fn("test", "one") matches
  When @_, @_,             -> "two arguments"

  # And here we match 3 or more arguments
  #    fn("one", "ring", "to", "rule", "them", "all") matches
  When @a, @b, @c | @x,    -> "three and more!"

# Simple class
class Point
  constructor: (@x, @y) ->
  toString: -> "(#{@x},#{@y})"

Point$ = ObjectOf(Point)

class Line
  constructor: (@point1, @point2) ->
    # This line allows to use the class constructor directly in patterns
    # So instead of writing
    #   When ObjectOf(Line, point1: @point1)
    # we may write
    #   When Line(point1: @point1)
    return m if m = ObjectOf(@, Line, arguments)


Just get procrust.js from this repo. Will put it to npm later.

In node.js:

{When, Match, ObjectOf, Having, Tail} = require('./procrust.js')

In browser:

{When, Match, ObjectOf, Having, Tail} = window.procrust


git clone https://github.com/AlexeyGrishin/procrust.git
npm install
npm build
npm test


# Prints compiled matching functions.
procrust.debug.functions = true

# Prints failed conditions while executing matching functions
procrust.debug.matching = true

# Print single compiled function body
fn = Match -> [...]
console.log fn.matchFn.toString()

Writing plugins

Procrust has all patterns processing implemented as plugins. You may refer to src/plugins folder for more information.

Also here is a jsfiddle with regexp plugin - http://jsfiddle.net/GRaAL/n9jkvnn7/. It allows to parse regexps this way:

fn = Match -> [
  When @res = /(\d+):(\d+)/, -> hours: @res[1], mins: @res[2]
  # or
  When RE(/(\d+):(\d+)/, @hours, @min), -> {@hours, @mins}


You may run performance.coffee from examples. Or also here is a js-perf which compares procrust matching, native coffeescript matching and pun library - http://jsperf.com/procrust-js-vs-manual-parsing/2