
ParaView project for geological exploration on offshore Indus Basin, Pakistan

MIT LicenseMIT


ParaView project for geological exploration on the offshore Indus Basin, Pakistan.

See LinkedIn posts for more details:

See 3D models from Sandwell & Smith Gravity, EMAG v.2 with a depth of 150 km for the offshore Indus Basin, Pakistan

How it looks

There are multiple data cubes and sections in the project which could be enabled manually. See below the project screenshots:

ParaView Project Screenshot

ParaView Project Screenshot 3D with slices

How to open the project

Use ParaView File -> Load State menu item to load the PakistanInd.pvsm project file and specify "data" subdirectory as "Data Directory" as on the screen below:

ParaView project load settings


A.V.Durandin https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6468-9757 (ORCID) E-mail: durandin.andrew@gmail.com

A.O.Pechnikov https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9626-8615 (ORCID) E-mail: pechnikov@mobigroup.ru