ParaView project for plate tectonics and volcanism study on Yellowstone area, USA.
Provided datasets (EPSG:32613 WGS 84 / UTM zone 13N)
grav_28.1.subset.32613.8km_b_gamma40.0km,60.0km.anomaly.vtk - our density anomaly model by inversion of Sandwell and Smith Gravity Anomaly and Vertical Gravity Gradient Open Datasets at 1 arc-minute resolution with bandpass filter 40-60km.
wsm.32613.* - World Stress Map 2006
eq_us.fixed.csv, eq_us.32613.vtm - USGS Earthquake Catalog
volcanoes.32613.vtm - SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION GLOBAL VOLCANISM PROGRAM (Smithsonian_Global_Volcanism_Program_List_v4.3.4.xls)
AOI.32613.vtu - GEBCO_2019 Bathymetry Grid is Open dataset at 15 arc-second resolution
Use ParaView File -> Load State menu item to load the project.pvsm project file and specify "data" subdirectory as "Data Directory".
A.V.Durandin (ORCID) E-mail:
A.O.Pechnikov (ORCID) E-mail: