
Asynchronous server application framework for Clojure, based on JBoss Netty

Primary LanguageClojureMIT LicenseMIT


Simple Asynchronous Network Application Library


Saturnine is a Clojure library designed to facilitate rapid development of asynchronous network applications. It is built on top of JBoss Netty, and inherits a number of features from this framework, but is designed with simplicity in mind:

  • Sane defaults preferred over explicit configuration.

  • Common functionality built-in, including Handlers for Bytes, Strings, (simple, tagsoup style) streaming XML, JSON, HTTP, XMPP and Clojure forms

  • Event driven design with easy session state management. Applications can be trivially run in blocking ("thread-per-connection") or nonblocking modes, without modifying your application code.

  • SSL/TLS support (with starttls), also supports nonblocking operation.

A full rundown of Saturnine's functionality can be found in the API Documentation


You'll need Git, Leiningen, Java, a computer of some sort, and a source of electricity. Install Saturnine with:

 git clone http://github.com/texodus/saturnine.git
 cd saturnine
 lein install

... or add it to your leiningen project.clj ...

 :dependencies [[saturnine "0.3"]]

... or your maven pom.xml ...



... and add (:use 'saturnine.core) to your namespace declaration anywhere you want to use Saturnine.


Saturnine is an asynchronous framework, which means simply that all operations return nil immediately when invoked, and the result of an operation is passed to a supplied callback function whenever the operation is completed. In this way, you can design applications that continue to process, even after initiating costly IO operations. And that's A Good Thing (c).

Saturnine applications (servers ant clients) are composed of a list of sequential Handlers. Each handler, in turn, is simply a clojure defrecord which implements the Handler protocol. The Handler defrecord itself represents the intermediate state of the processed stream - when new data is received from a connection, saturnine will call the relevent function from the Handler protocol on the first handler in the list, which in turn calls the next handler and returns a new instance of itself that represents the new state of the connection, and so on.

Data received from a conenction proceeds calls the first handler's upstream implementation

  • this handler is responsible for calling (send-up ...) to pass data to the next handler in the list (though if this function is not implemented for a Handler, the default implementation will simply call send-up on the unprocessed data it received).
    When data is written to a connection, the last handler's downstream function is called, and utilizing (send-down ...) within this handler will pass processed data to the previous handler in the list, until it eventually propogates to the wire.

Saturnine provides a number of simple Handlers by default, which are represented in the handler lsit by keys. For example, here is a simple REPL server implemented with only the built-in handlers:

(use 'saturnine.core)

(start-server 1234 :nonblocking :string [:print "repl"] :clj :echo)

This starts a nonblocking server listening on port 1234. Once a connection is opened to this server, incoming data is processed in the following manner:

|--> :nonblocking --> :string --> :print --> :clj --|
|                                                   v

network                                             :echo

^                                                   |
|--  :nonblocking <-- :string <-- :print <-- :clj <--
  1. :string - Incoming data is converting to string data and flushed to the next handler when a newline is encountered.

  2. :print - Incoming strings are logged via clojure.contrib.logging, then flushed to the next handler. Log lines qualified by "repl"

  3. :clj - Incoming strings are processed by the Clojure's read-string and eval'd, then the resulting forms are flushed to the next handler

  4. :echo - echo's every incoming Clojure form, back down the stack in reverse.

  5. :clj - the now-outbound Clojure form is flushed as a string with print-str

  6. :print - outbound strings are logged via clojure.contrib.logging, then flushed

  7. :string - converts incoming Strings back into Bytes to send to the Connection

Eventually, you'll want to write your own handlers to process data - Saturnine provides the defhandler macro for this purpose. Think of defhandler as a souped-up defrecord, specifically for writing Handlers - functions from the Handler protocl that are not provided as arguments are replaced with default implementations that should do abotu what you'd expect. For example, here's an application with a custom handler which only responds to "upstream" messages, usign the default implementations for other event types:

(use 'saturnine.core 'saturnine.handler)

(defhandler Sum [sum]
  (upstream [this msg] (let [new-sum (+ sum msg)]
                         (send-down (str "Sum is " new-sum "\r\n"))
                         (assoc this :sum new-sum))))

(start-server 1234 :blocking :string :clj (new Sum 0))

Breaking this down piece by piece, Sum is a clojure datatype with a single property, :sum, and implements a single function, upstream. By declaring sum-server to use the handler (Sum 0), we are telling Saturnine to assign new Connections this value. When an upstream message is passed upstream from :clj, the upstream function on Sum is called; this function dispatches a new downstream message with the send-down function, then returns a new Sum, which becomes the new state of the connection, and will be called on all future messages from this connection that are flushed from :clj.

Here's an entire telnet chat server, which uses a Clojure Ref as it's state, allowing indepedent connections to communicate with eachother simply and thread-safely:

(use 'saturnine.core 'saturnine.handler)

(defn- write-all 
  [users msg]
  (doseq [user (vals (dissoc users (get-ip)))]
    (write user (str (get-ip) " : " msg))))

(defhandler Chat [users]
  (connect    [_] (do (dosync (alter users assoc (get-ip) (get-connection)))
                      (write-all @users "User connected!\r\n")))
  (disconnect [_] (do (dosync (alter users dissoc (get-ip)))
                      (write-all @users "User disconnected!\r\n")))
  (upstream   [_ msg] (do (write-all @users msg))))

(start-server 3333 :string [:print "chat"] (new Chat (ref {})))

For further examples, please see the API Documentation and 'saturnine.examples namespace.

Planned Features (global backlog)

  • UDP support
  • Filesystem support
  • Sequential flow control combinators for simple "conversational" control flows in a single handler. (maybe a special sequential handler?)
  • XMPP enchancement, maybe some bosh?
  • Comet-made-easy, websockets-made-easy
  • Take the java out of SSL
  • :pre checks for state type verification
  • Optimization
    • Implement stateless variation on handlers
    • Replace SimpleChannelHandler with reified ChannelHandler
    • Add support for zero-copy ChannelBuffer manipulation (including file serving)
  • Additional Handler optional message endpoints - bind, open, etc.
  • Add callbacks to send-up/send-down that are actually useful
  • Better HTTP support in the form of a ring adapter.
  • Open to suggestions ....