Feather Take Home Assessment

Thank you for applying at Feather.

We'll use this project on our pair programming interview. Follow the instructions below to get started.

Getting started

  1. Make sure you have Docker installed on your machine
  2. Set up the environment variables
cp .env.example .env
  1. Build and run the Docker image:
docker compose up --build
  1. On a new terminal, run the migration and the seed script to add initial data:
docker compose exec backend yarn prisma migrate dev
docker compose exec backend yarn prisma db seed
  1. That’s it!

You can see the app on http://localhost:3000

The API should be running on http://localhost:4000

** Note ** If you want to install new dependencies, you'll have to do it inside the docker container. To do that, you can use the following command:

# On the root directory of the project
docker compose exec {backend OR frontend} yarn add {the_name_of_the_package}

Make sure to replace the values between the curly braces {} with the correct ones.


After following the Getting started guide, the backend should be running on port 4000. The backend currently have one endpoint:

Request type Path Query Params Example
GET /policies search /policies?search=BARMER

Feel free to update or add more endpoints to accommodate or improve your solution.

Data structure


fields type comment
id string Used to identify the policy
customer Customer Object holding the customer's informations
provider string Name of the provider (Allianz, AXA…)
insuranceType InsuranceType Type of the insurance (Liability, Household…)
status PolicyStatus Status of the insurance (Active, Cancelled)
startDate date Date when the policy should start
endDate date Date when the policy ends
createdAt date Date when the record was created


fields type comment
id uuid Used to identify the customer
firstName string Customer’s first name
lastName string Customer’s last name
dateOfBirth date Customer’s date of birth


InsuranceType can be of LIABILITY, HOUSEHOLD, HEALTH
