
Gets all the information stored in google's utmz and utma cookies, and converts them into an easy to use object.

Primary LanguagePHP


Build Status

This tool converts google's utmz and utma cookies into easy to use objects.

This gives easy access to googel session and keyword data.

#Installation Install via composer. Edit your project's composer.json file to require jflight/gacookie:

"require": {

Update Composer from the terminal:

composer update

#Usage Parse the cookies (currently supports utma and utmz):


use Jflight\GACookie\GACookie;

$utma = GACookie::parse('utma');
$utmz = GACookie::parse('utmz');

Or directly parse strings:


$utma = GACookie::parseString('utma', '177910838.254655113.1474876189.1482142331.1482148790.58');
$utmz = GACookie::parseString('utmz', '177910838.1481550491.52.15.utmcsr=newsletter|utmccn=campaign-2016|utmcmd=email');

You can now access cookie variables:

For utma


$utma->time_of_first_visit; // DateTime
$utma->time_of_last_visit; // DateTime
$utma->time_of_current_visit; // DateTime
$utma->session_count // Integer

For utmz


$utmz->timestamp; // DateTime
$utmz->session_count // Integer
$utmz->campaign_number // Integer
$utmz->source // string
$utmz->medium // string
$utmz->campaign // string
$utmz->term // string
$utmz->content // string

Because all time related properites return DateTime objects, this sort of thing is possible:


echo $utma->time_of_first_visit->format('Y'); // e.g. 2014

Also if you are so inclined, properties can be accessed via ArrayAccess:


echo $utmz['source']; // e.g. google