##This is live via https://climbing-games.herokuapp.com ##This is a indoor rock climbing game used with a projector.
The projector will be faced towards the climbing wall and the setup user will place circles across the wall. The player is on a race against the clock to tag all the numbered circles in order. Top ten scores will be recored.
- Drag - User can click and drag timer and circle elements to position them best.
- On Screen "+" - Will add another circle to the game.
- On Screen "-" - Will remove a circle from the game.
- ENTER key - Starts countdown and initializes the game.
- SPACEBAR - Is pressed as the climber tags each circle.
- \ key - Resets the game from any point.
- key - When hovering over a circle element or the timer this will make that element bigger.
- key - When hovering over a circle element or the timer this will make that element smaller.
##Extra Notes: If no player name is inputed no score will be recorded.
##P.S. This is a work in progress and was not an original idea but an attempt to make a better program, incorporate more games, and also keep it free. As a past climbing coach I understand how valuable something like this is to keep syke high and to mix is up with fun activities within the whole climbing community.