
MediaWiki extension for adding editable tooltips to internal wiki links

Primary LanguagePHP

TippingOver is a MediaWiki extension allowing editors to create tooltips for wiki links using either wiki pages or 
uploaded images. It can also attach tooltips to arbitrary page content via the provided #tipfor function. 

GitHub repository: https://github.com/oOeyes/TippingOver
Author: Shawn Bruckner (http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/User:OoEyes)
License: GNU General Public License 2.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html)

"Tooltips" are boxes that appear when hovering over a particular page element, such as a link, word, phrase, or image.
Often, wikis that use tooltips rely on an external resource to provide that content. TippingOver is not useful in that
case, but if tooltips that wiki users can add and edit through the wiki itself are desirable, then TippingOver can help.

TippingOver is designed to automatically attach tooltips to wiki links or the content of #tipfor parser function calls,
and it draws the tooltip content from pages or images on the wiki. By default, the tooltip for a page called "Example"
would be on "Example/Tooltip", but "MediaWiki:To-tooltip-page-name" can be adjusted to permit a great number of
potential page-tooltip naming conventions.

IMPORTANT NOTE: There have been a number of changes to configuration settings in version 0.6.5. See the section below
on updating from older deprecated settings.

TippingOver does have a lot of configuration settings and configuration may be quite complex in certain cases. But many
of the settings below are performance tweaks for users using more advanced setups. Many use cases work just fine with
default settings, and other common use cases only require a few setting changes.

Settings that may be of interest for simple use cases include:
  $wgtoEnableInNamespaces -- Determines what namespaces tooltips can be seen in.
  $wgtoNamespacesWithTooltips -- Determines if a link can have a tooltip based on what namespace it links into.
  $wgtoEnableOnImageLinks -- Determines if images that are linking to pages will get tooltips.
  $wgtoLoadingTooltip -- Identifies the page that contains a tooltip to be shown while loading the correct one.
  $wgtoMissingPageTooltip -- Identifies the page that contains a tooltip to be shown when a tooltip is not created.
  $wgtoEmptyPageNameTolltip -- Identifies the page that contains a tooltip to be shown when a tooltip-enabled link fails
                               to provide a page name for a tooltip.
  $wgtoEarlyCategoryFiltering and $wgtoLateCategoryFiltering -- For when only some links on a wiki should get tooltips.

See below for more information on these settings.

Some quick TippingOver terminology to help clarify the following setting descriptions:

  Link: Any portion of page content which TippingOver considers attaching a tooltip to. In 0.6.5, this may be internal
      links to other pages on the wiki or any content contained within a #tipfor call.

  Target: For internal links, the target is the page they link to. In other words, where the wiki takes you when you
      follow the link. In #tipfor calls, the target page is the page title passed as the first parameter.

  Early: "Early" steps are actions TippingOver performs before a page is even viewed. These will generally happen when
      a page is saved and any other time the wiki needs to regenerate the page from its wikicode, such as perhaps a
      template the page uses being edited. Performing actions early has the advantage of avoiding doing the work for 
      each user every time they hover over a link, but in some use cases, might unacceptably degrade the speed of page 
      regeneration resulting in slow loads or even timeouts.

  Late: "Late" steps are actions TippingOver waits to perform until the user actually hovers over the link with the
      mouse. This is also commonly referred to as "lazy", such as in "lazy load." This has the advantage of saving these
      steps until they need to be performed, which also ensures they are performed with current information, but it can 
      slow tooltip loads, since more must be done on mouse-over, and means the work will have to be repeated for every

For configuration, it also helps to have an overview of TippingOver's process for attaching and showing tooltips:

  First, a namespace check is performed on the current page. If it's outside an enabled namespace (see 
  $wgtoEnableinNamespaces), TippingOver will stop doing anything on that page.

  Second, optionally, an lookup index is built for the category filter. (See $wgtoPreprocessCategoryFilter.)

  Then, for each link during the early stage, the following steps are performed except when disabled (see 
  $wgEnableOnImageLinks for including or excluding image links):
      1. Target page namespace check. See $wgtoNamespacesWithTooltips.
      2. Early target redirect follow. See $wgEarlyTargetRedirectFollow.
      3. Early category filtering. See $wgEarlyCategoryFiltering, $wgEnablingCategory, and $wgDisablingCategory.
      4. Early page title parse. See $wgEarlyPageTitleParse and $wgtoAssumeNonemptyPageTitle.
      5. Early exists check. See $wgEarlyExistsCheck.
      6. If no early checks prevent it, a tooltip is attached.

  Finally, for each link that has a tooltip attachment, the following steps, if enabled or not completed early, happen 
  when the user mouses over the link:
      1. Possibly show a loading tooltip now. See $wgLoadingTooltip.
      2. Late target redirect follow. See $wgLateTargetRedirectFollow.
      3. Late category filtering. See $wgLateLateCategoryFiltering.
      4. Late page title parse. See $wgLatePageTitleParse and $wgtoAssumeNonemptyPageTitle.
      5. Late exists check. See $wgLateExistsCheck.
      6. Possibly show a loading tooltip now if not up already. See $wgLoadingTooltip and $wgAllowTwoRequestProcess.
      7. Actually load the tooltip. See $wgMissingPageTooltip and $wgEmptyPageNameTooltip for alternatives when there's
         no tooltip to load.

Settings below are listed in the order in which they become relevant to the above process.

  $wgtoEnableInNamespaces --
       This defines what namespaces tooltips are actually displayed in. When viewing pages in namespaces where this
       is set to false, no internal links on the page will display tooltips.

       $wgtoEnableInNamespaces = Array( NS_MAIN => true,
                                        NS_TALK => false,
                                        NS_USER => true,
                                        NS_USER_TALK => false,
                                        NS_PROJECT => true,
                                        NS_PROJECT_TALK => false,
                                        NS_IMAGE => false,
                                        NS_IMAGE_TALK => false,
                                        NS_MEDIAWIKI => false,
                                        NS_MEDIAWIKI_TALK => false,
                                        NS_TEMPLATE => false,
                                        NS_TEMPLATE_TALK => false,
                                        NS_HELP => false,
                                        NS_HELP_TALK => false,
                                        NS_CATEGORY => true,
                                        NS_CATEGORY_TALK => false,

  $wgtoPreprocessCategoryFilter --
       This defines how TippingOver should perform early category filtering if it is enabled in 
       $wgtoEarlyCategoryFiltering. This setting is just for performance tweaking and can likely be left alone if the
       wiki doesn't appear to be suffering from performance issues.
       Valid values are:

       true: This pre-fetches the page IDs within the relevant category and all of its subcategories and performs 
           the filtering while the page is loading. This allows category filtering to then be done with a very quick
           lookup as each link is processed. The downside is that it must fetch all page ids from the relevant category 
           hierarchy, so if it's complex or has a huge number of pages, this could be an unnecessary performance hit on
           the wiki. But in most cases, it's probably more performant than the alternative.

       false: This performs the category filtering while the page is loading as each link is processed. It
           must check the database for every new page it encounters, though, which may noticeably slow down the
           loading of link-heavy pages, but may be a better option if the relevant categories have complex hierarchies
           or a large number of pages since this doesn't require fetching all of the page ids from the categories.

       If both options seem to be dragging down the wiki, consider disabling $wgtoEarlyCategoryFiltering and check out
       $wgtoLateCategoryFiltering instead.

       $wgtoPreprocessCategoryFilter = true;

 $wgtoEnableOnImageLinks --
       This defines whether or not tooltips are enabled on image links. In most cases, this refers to links that
       would be created by something like [[File:Example.jpg|link=Example]]. It can even be possible, in certain
       configurations, for the images themselves to have tooltips, so even a link like [[File:Example.jpg]] could
       potentially show a tooltip if this is enabled.
       Valid values are:
       true : Tooltips are enabled on image links, so if an image links to a page with a valid tooltip, it will show 
           up when hovering over the image.
       false : Tooltips are disabled on images links and won't show up even if the image links to a page with a valid
       $wgtoEnableOnImageLinks = true;

  $wgtoNamespacesWithTooltips --
       This defines which internal links to which namespaces will have tooltips enabled  Links to pages in
       namespaces where this is set to false, or which do not appear in the array, will not have tooltips displayed.

       $wgtoNamespacesWithTooltips = Array( NS_MAIN => true,
                                            NS_TALK => false,
                                            NS_USER => true,
                                            NS_USER_TALK => false,
                                            NS_PROJECT => false,
                                            NS_PROJECT_TALK => false,
                                            NS_IMAGE => false,
                                            NS_IMAGE_TALK => false,
                                            NS_MEDIAWIKI => false,
                                            NS_MEDIAWIKI_TALK => false,
                                            NS_TEMPLATE => false,
                                            NS_TEMPLATE_TALK => false,
                                            NS_HELP => false,
                                            NS_HELP_TALK => false,
                                            NS_CATEGORY => false,
                                            NS_CATEGORY_TALK => false,

 $wgtoEarlyTargetRedirectFollow --
       This defines whether TippingOver follows redirects in link or #tipfor targets before early category filtering
       and early page title parsing.
       Valid values are:
       false : The target page will be used for early category filtering and the early page title parse whether it is
           a redirect or not. This can be expected to run a little, as it skips an extra database check for each link, 
           though it may only be noticable on link-heavy pages. It also means that if category filtering is going to
           filter based on the categories that page is in, even if it's a redirect.

           Redirect following can still be done late (see $wgtoLateTargetRedirectFollow), but ONLY if ALL other 
           subsequent early steps are skipped. In other words, the late redirect follow will apply only to links to
           which there has been no early category filtering, no early page title parse, and no early exists check.
       true : If the target page is a redirect, than its destination page is treated as the target page in all 
           subsequent steps, early or late.
       $wgtoEarlyTargetRedirectFollow = true;

 $wgtoEarlyCategoryFiltering --
       This defines if the target page of links should be checked to see if they are in the hierarchy of a 
       tooltip-enabling or disabling category when the links are generated.

       Valid values are:
       false: No category check will be done during link generation, leaving the tooltip "enabled" at least until the 
           user hovers over the link with the mouse. The value of $wgtoLateCategoryFiltering will determine if category
           filtering is performed then.

       true: This will check the target page of a link against an enabling or disabling category, which may result in
           the tooltip of that link being disabled. See $wgtoEnablingCategory and $wgtoDisabling category for how this 
           works. Also, see $wgtoPreprocessCategoryFilter to change the approach TippingOver uses to make this check.
       $wgtoEarlyCategoryFiltering = false;

  $wgtoEnablingCategory --
       Only applies if $wgtoEarlyCategoryFiltering and/or $wgtoLateCategoryFiltering are set to true.
       When those settings are applied, a link only gets a tooltip when its target page is in the category defined
       by this setting or one of its subcategories. The Category: namespace is optional when defining the category
       in this setting.

       Setting this to null will cause category filtering to use the disabling category in $wgtoDisablingCategory
       instead. In 0.6.5, only one or the other operates at any given time, but a future version may allow both to
       function simultaneously.
       $wgtoEnablingCategory = "Has tooltips enabled";

  $wgtoDisablingCategory --
       Only applies if $wgtoEarlyCategoryFiltering and/or $wgtoLateCategoryFiltering are set to true and 
       $wgtoEnablingCategory is set to null.
       When those settings are applied, a link will not get a tooltip when its target page is in the category defined
       by this setting or one of its subcategories. The Category: namespace is optional when defining the category
       in this setting. But pages outside that category hierarchy do; it functions exactly opposite of

       In 0.6.5, if there is an enabling category, the disabling category won't be used. In a future version,
       however, they may be set up to work together as follows: links would have their tooltips disabled if either the
       target page was in the disabling category hierarchy somewhere or not in the enabling category hierarchy
       somewhere. In other words, the disabling category will have priority when a target page is in both hierarchies.
       $wgtoDisablingCategory = "Has tooltips disabled";

  $wgtoEarlyPageTitleParse --
       This defines if the title of the targets of a page's links should be sent to MediaWiki:To-tooltip-page-name to
       find the values whenever the page is recached on the server side.
       Valid values are:
       true : This performs the parse while the page is saved, purged, or otherwise recached on the server, saving some 
           processing when actually loading tooltips at the expense of adding overhead to page parsing. How much
           of an impact this will have will depend a lot on the logic in MediaWiki:To-tooltip-page-name. Expensive 
           processing in that function could present a danger of causing link-heavy pages to time out when the wiki
           attempts to parse them, but there are tradeoffs to doing the check late.
       false : This will not perform the page title parses during page saves, purges, or recache operations. Note that
           if $wgLatePageTitleParse is also set to false, this effectively disables the extension in its current state.
           (Some features being considered for future versions would provide options for tooltips that would not require
           page title parsing to function, but as of 0.6.5, it is still a requirement for all tooltips.)

           Cases where early page title parsing could potentially cause performance issues and timeouts would include
           MediaWiki:To-tooltip-page-name using expensive functions like #ifexist, Semantic MediaWiki queries,
           DynamicPageList functions, and Cargo queries. The danger is on link-heavy pages since these add additional
           database queries to link processing, possibly adding additional database accesses for every link on a page.
           In such cases, consider setting $wgtoLatePageTitleParse to true and this setting to false, but be see
           $wgtoLatePageTitleParse for information on the tradeoff involved.
       $wgtoEarlyPageTitleParse = true;

 $wgtoAssumeNonemptyPageTitle --
       This determines if TippingOver should assume MediaWiki:To-tooltip-page-name will always return a page name.
       Valid values are:
       true : This will disable the empty page tooltip defined by $wgEmptyPageNameTooltip even if it set, so no
           tooltip is shown if MediaWiki:To-tooltip-page-name should return an empty value.
           WARNING: As the name suggests, this causes TippingOver to assume MediaWiki:To-tooltip-page-name won't
           return an empty page name. When $wgtoPageTitleParse to set to TO_RUN_LATE while there is a valid loading
           tooltip, depending on other configuration settings, the loading tooltip may be displayed just to
           disappear if MediaWiki:To-tooltip-page-name does return an empty value. Therefore, this setting is 
           recommended only if MediaWiki:To-tooltip-page-name is guaranteed not to return an empty value.
           See $wgtoLoadingTooltip for more information.
       false : This causes TippingOver to assume MediaWiki:To-tooltip-page-name may return an empty value, and so
           $wgtoEmptyPageNameTooltip is enabled if valid. Additionally, when late page title parsing (see
           $wgtoLatePageTitleParse) is performed while there's a valid loading tooltip but no valid empty page tooltip, 
           the loading tooltip will be automatically disabled unless $wgtoAllowTwoRequestProcess is set to true, which
           is not generally recommended.

       $wgtoAssumeNonemptyPageTitle = false;

 $wgtoEarlyExistsCheck --
       This defines whether or not a check is made that the page identified by processing MediaWiki:To-tooltip-page-name
       exists for the given target page of a link during an early page title parse.
       Valid values are:
       false : This disables the exists check during early page title parses. This is useful if the logic in 
           MediaWiki:To-tooltip-page-name is guaranteed to return an empty value if the tooltip page doesn't exist,
           or it has its own logic for determining the correct default page to use. This option then prevents
           redundant processing that could slow down page or tooltip loading.

           It may also simply be desirable to delay the check (see $wgtoLateExistsCheck), since it does require a 
           database access, which can slow down page saves, purges, and other server-side recaches. The effect is
           only likely to be significant when very link-heavy pages are involved, but in such cases, it does increase
           the risk of timeouts.
           Disabling both this and $wgtoLateExistsCheck can have undesirable results if MediaWiki:To-tooltip-page-name 
           does return a page that doesn't exist. It may display a red link when hovering over a link, or less 
           seriously, it may display the loading tooltip only to have it disappear, as this effectively disables 
           $wgMissingPageTooltip as well.
       true : This performs the exists check during page saves, purges, and other recaches, saving a slight bit of 
           processing when actually loading tooltips at the expense of adding some extra processing for links during 
           the page load. This requires an early page title parse first for TippingOver to know what page to check,
           thus setting $wgtoEarlyPageTitleParse to false effectively disables this as well.

       $wgtoEarlyExistsCheck = true;

 $wgtoLoadingTooltip --
       This defines what page, if any, to use as a loading tooltip. In other words, this is what will be displayed
       while the actual tooltip for the page is being requested from the server. To disable loading tooltips 
       completely, set this to null. The loading tooltip is displayed while waiting for the server to return the 
       requested tooltip after a user hovers over a link.
       This can also be disabled by blanking or deleting the page in question, though this is slightly less 
       efficient as there is more overhead involved in checking that, but it does allow it to be enabled more easily
       later on.

       IMPORTANT NOTE: In some situations, the loading tooltip may be automatically disabled. This occurs in some cases
           when various early checks are disabled, leaving TippingOver in a situation where it doesn't yet know whether
           there is a tooltip to show. Rather than show a loading tooltip and then nothing, it just tries to load the
           tooltip instead. This behavior can be changed by setting $wgAllowTwoRequestProcess to true, but this isn't
           recommended. See $wgAllowTwoRequestProcess below for more information.
       $wgtoLoadingTooltip = "MediaWiki:To-loading-tooltip";

 $wgtoLateTargetRedirectFollow --
       This defines whether TippingOver follows redirects in link or #tipfor targets when the user mouses over a link
       with the tooltip attached.

       IMPORTANT NOTE: This only applies to links to which no early target redirect following, no early category 
           filtering, no early page title parse, and no early exists check has been applied. Any of those steps being
           completed on a link causes this step to be bypassed for that link, regardless of the setting.
       Valid values are:
       false : This setting means that the late category filter check and page title parse will operate on the exact 
           page specified as a link or #tipfor target, even if it's a redirect.
       true : If the target page is a redirect, then the destination page will be the target used for late category 
           filtering, page title parsing, and exists checks.
       $wgtoLateTargetRedirectFollow = true;

  $wgtoLateCategoryFiltering --
       This defines if the target page of links should be checked to see if they are in the hierarchy of a 
       tooltip-enabling or disabling category when the user hovers over the links.
       Valid values are:
       false: No category check will be done when the user hovers their mouse over the link, even if no check had been
           performed earlier. Thus category filtering is completely disabled if both $wgtoEarlyCategoryFiltering and
           this setting are false.
       true: Assuming it hasn't been done already (see $wgtoEarlyCategoryFiltering), this will check the target page of 
           a link against an enabling or disabling category, which may result in the tooltip of that link being 
           disabled. See $wgtoEnablingCategory and $wgtoDisablingCategory for how this works.

           This can increase wiki performance since the category checks are only performed as needed, but see 
           $wgtoLoadingTooltip for information on a potential drawback to this lazy checking.

           It may also increase the number of requests TippingOver sends to the server since it may do so when the user
           hovers over links where the tooltip should be disabled anyway. This is probably not a significant concern,
           but regardless, early category filtering has a mild advantage in this respect.

           Early and late category filtering can be enabled at the same time. In 0.6.5, this will prevent late
           category checks from happening at all since TippingOver does not repeat the process when an early check has
           already been performed. Potential upcoming features may create cases where only some of the links get an
           early check, so if early category checking is used, it is normally best to leave this set to true. An
           exception may apply when opting to set $wgtoAllowTwoRequestProcess to true instead of the default false,
           which is not generally recommended.
       $wgLateCategoryFiltering = false;

   $wgtoLatePageTitleParse --
       This defines if the title of the targets of a page's links should be sent to MediaWiki:To-tooltip-page-name in
       a request send when the user hovers their mouse over links.
       Valid values are:
       true : This performs the parse after the user movses over a link during the actual tooltip load, assuming this
           hasn't already been done as described above for $wgtoEarlyPageTitleParse. See $wgtoLoadingTooltip for some
           potential issues to watch out for in these delayed parses, however.

           As of 0.6.5, when $wgtoEarlyPageTitleParse is set to true, there shouldn't be any links which haven't
           received a page title parse. But unless late parsing may result in issues described in the description of 
           $wgtoLoadingTooltip above, it is recommended to leave this set to true anyway. Potential upcoming features
           may permit situations where having both options enabled would be useful.
       false : This will not perform the page title parses when hovering over links even if it wasn't done in an early
           parse. As of 0.6.5, setting $wgtoEarlyPageTitleParse to false as well will result in page title parsing being
           effectively disabled, which effectively disables the extension.

       $wgtoLatePageTitleParse = true;

  $wgtoLateExistsCheck --
       This defines whether or not a check is made that the page identified by processing MediaWiki:To-tooltip-page-name
       exists for the given target page of a link during an late page title parse triggered by the user hovering their
       mouse over a link.
       Valid values are:
       false : This disables the exists check during late page title parsing. As with $wgEarlyExistsCheck, this may be
           desirable if the logic in MediaWiki:To-tooltip-page-name cannot return a title for a page that doesn't exist,
           thus preventing a redundant or unnecessary check.
           But if $wgtoEarlyExistsCheck is disabled as well, there can be undesirable results if 
           MediaWiki:To-tooltip-page-name does, in fact, return a page that doesn't exist. It may display a red link 
           when hovering over a link, or less seriously, it may display the loading tooltip only to have it disappear, 
           as this effectively disables $wgMissingPageTooltip as well.
       true : This performs the exists check after the user movses over a link during the actual tooltip load.
           This may be a good idea if pages are particularly link heavy and category filtering isn't an option or
           doesn't significantly reduce the number of links to check.

       $wgtoLateExistsCheck = true;

  $wgtoAllowTwoRequestProcess --
       The "two request process" is where TippingOver makes one request to the server just to determine if there is a
       tooltip, and then if there is, another request to actually load it.

       If allowed by this setting, TippingOver will only use this process if a loading tooltip exists and any of these
       configurations are specified:
           * $wgtoEarlyPageTitleParse is false and $wgtoLatePageTitleParse is true with no valid empty page name 
             tooltip unless $wgAssumeNonemptyPageTitle is set to true (but see risks with that setting),
           * $wgtoEarlyPageTitleParse is false and $wgtoLatePageTitleParse is true with no valid missing page tooltip
             unless $wgtoEarlyExistsCheck and $wgtoLateExistsCheck are both false (but see risks with that situation), 
           * $wgtoEarlyExistsCheck is false and $wgtoLateExistsCheck is true with no valid missing page tooltip, or
           * $wgtoEarlyCategoryFiltering is false and $wgtoLateCategoryFiltering is true under any circumstance.
       When disallowed, TippingOver quietly and automatically disables the loading tooltip instead and just proceeds
       with a single request to fully load the tooltip (or quietly stop if there's nothing to show).

       Disallowing the two request process is default, as permitting it is not recommended. It takes approximately
       twice as long to load a tooltip this way, and showing the loading tooltip is delayed because TippingOver will
       wait for the response to the first request so it doesn't show the loading tooltip when there will be no tooltip
       to show. (The single exception is explained with the $wgtoAssumeNonemptyPageTitle setting description.) But if
       showing a loading tooltip is strongly desired even in the above configurations, this process is available.

       Valid values are:

       false: Don't allow the two request process and disable the loading tooltip if necessary to avoid it.

       true: Allow the two request process, leaving the loading tooltip enabled in all configurations if it exists.

       $wgtoAllowTwoRequestProcess = false;

  $wgtoMissingPageTooltip --
       This defines what page, if any, to use as a tooltip if the page identified by processing 
       MediaWiki:To-tooltip-page-name doesn't exist. To disable this entirely, set this to null.
       This can also be disabled by blanking or deleting the page in question, though this is slightly less 
       efficient as there is more overhead involved in checking that, but it does allow it to be enabled more easily
       later on.
       WARNING: See warning under $wgtoLoadingTooltip below before disabling this in any way.
       $wgtoMissingPageTooltip = "MediaWiki:To-missing-page-tooltip";

 $wgtoEmptyPageNameTooltip --
       This defines what page, if any, to use as a tooltip if processing MediaWiki:To-tooltip-page-name results in an
       empty value being returned. To disable this entirely, set this to null.
       This can also be disabled by blanking or deleting the page in question, though this is slightly less 
       efficient as there is more overhead involved in checking that, but it does allow it to be enabled more easily
       later on.
       WARNING: See warning under $wgtoLoadingTooltip below before disabling this in any way.
       $wgtoEmptyPageNameTooltip = "MediaWiki:To-empty-page-name-tooltip";


In 0.6.5, there were a number of changes to how certain settings of TippingOver are applied. While the deprecated
settings listed below will still function, TippingOver will complain with notices in MediaWiki and PHP error logs.
Updating the settings at one's earliest convenience is highly recommended, for support for the older settings will
likely be removed in a future version.

  $wgtoPageTitleParse -- DEPRECATED in 0.6.5
      To support potential upcoming features, it is now possible to enable and disable both early and late page title
      parsing rather than merely using one or the other.

      $wgtoPageTitleParse = TO_RUN_EARLY;

      -- should be replaced with --

      $wgtoEarlyPageTitleParse = true;

      See $wgtoLatePageTitleParse above for information on enabling that simultaneously with early page title parsing.

      $wgtoPageTitleParse = TO_RUN_LATE;

      -- should be converted to --

      $wgtoEarlyPageTitleParse = false;
      $wgtoLatePageTitleParse = true;

  $wgtoFollowTargetRedirects -- DEPRECATED in 0.6.5 
      Early and late target redirect following can now be enabled separately. And late redirect following is now
      actually implemented.

      $wgtoFollowTargetRedirects = TO_DISABLE;

      -- should be replaced with --

      $wgtoEarlyTargetRedirectFollow = false;
      $wgtoLateTargetRedirectFollow = false;

      $wgtoFollowTargetRedirects = TO_RUN_EARLY;

      -- should be replaced with --

      $wgtoEarlyTargetRedirectFollow = true;
      $wgtoLateTargetRedirectFollow = true;

      $wgtoFollowTargetRedirects = TO_RUN_LATE;

      -- should be replaced with --

      $wgtoEarlyTargetRedirectFollow = false;
      $wgtoLateTargetRedirectFollow = true;

  $wgtoExistsCheck -- DEPRECATED in 0.6.5
      The page existence check can now be enabled separately for early and late processing.

      $wgtoExistsCheck = TO_DISABLE;

      -- should be replaced with --

      $wgtoEarlyExistsCheck = false;
      $wgtoLateExistsCheck = false;

      $wgtoExistsCheck = TO_RUN_EARLY;

      -- should be replaced with --

      $wgtoEarlyExistsCheck = true;
      See $wgtoLateExistsCheck above for information on enabling that simultaneously with early page title parsing.

      $wgtoExistsCheck = TO_RUN_LATE;

      -- should be replaced with --

      $wgtoEarlyExistsCheck = false;
      $wgtoLateExistsCheck = true;

  $wgtoCategoryFiltering -- DEPRECATED in 0.6.5
      Category filtering can now be enabled separately for early and late processing.

      $wgtoCategoryFiltering = TO_DISABLE;

      -- should be replaced with --

      $wgtoEarlyCategoryFiltering = false;
      $wgtoLateCategoryFiltering = false;

      $wgtoCategoryFiltering = TO_PREINDEX;

      -- should be replaced with --

      $wgtoEarlyCategoryFiltering = true;
      $wgtoPreprocessCategoryFilter = true;
      See $wgtoLateCategoryFiltering above for information on enabling that simultaneously with the early category

      $wgtoCategoryFiltering = TO_RUN_EARLY;

      -- should be replaced with --

      $wgtoEarlyCategoryFiltering = true;
      $wgtoPreprocessCategoryFilter = false;
      See $wgtoLateCategoryFiltering above for information on enabling that simultaneously with the early category

      $wgtoCategoryFiltering = TO_RUN_LATE;

      -- should be replaced with --

      $wgtoEarlyCategoryFiltering = false;
      $wgtoLateCategoryFiltering = true;