News Viewer Application

The News Viewer Application is a Flutter-based mobile app designed to keep users informed with the latest news articles. With its intuitive interface and robust features, this app provides a seamless experience for browsing, favoriting, and accessing news content.


  • Browse News Articles: Access curated articles fetched from the Hacker News API, displaying key details like title, publication date, author, comments count, and points.
  • Mark Favorites: Easily bookmark articles to save for later viewing, utilizing the shared_preferences package for persistent storage.
  • View Favorites: Manage and delete favorite articles in a dedicated page.
  • External Browser Integration: Open articles in an external browser for a better reading experience.
  • Advanced Search and Filtering: Search articles by keyword in the title, filter by points and publication date range.
  • Sort Articles: Sort articles by points or publication date for easier navigation.

Getting Started

  1. Install the News Viewer Application on your mobile device.
  2. Browse through the list of news articles on the home page.
  3. Mark your favorite articles for quick access later.

Technologies Used

  • Flutter
  • Dart
  • Hacker News API
  • shared_preferences Flutter package