
Primary LanguageSolidity



The best network to develop solidity contract for EVM chains.

About The ProjectHow To UseConfigurationFork SnapshotsUpgrade scriptsContracts deployment


About The Project

Bestnet is a self-hosted simulated envirorment designed to test simple and complex smart contract scenarios on real-time, minimal-setup network that heavily relies on historical and up-to-date production data.


🍴 Create forks from any block in a breeze
🤓 Human-readable RPC Urls
🎚️ Turn ON/OFF your fork at anytime
📝 Check your fork logs
🎯 Automagically deploy contracts in the fork
🥸 Automagically scripts which requires impersonating an account
🔐 Simple authentifications


The server used Anvil from the foundry suite to create blazing-fast forks. Learn how to install foundry

npm install


node app.js

  /setup/:pass              Starts the fork, deploys the contract and execute the upgrade scripts if any
  /setup/:forkId/:pass      Starts the fork with a custom forkId, deploys the contract and execute the upgrade scripts (if any)
  /ls                       Get the list of all forks
  /logs/:forkId/:pass       Shows the logs from anvil
  /newFork/:pass            Only starts the fork
  /newFork/:forkId/:pass    Only starts the fork with custom id
  /reset/:forkId/:pass      Resets the fork to the last snapshot
  /kill/:forkId/:pass       Kill the anvil fork

RPC endpoints:
  /rpc/:id/on/:pass         Manually activate the fork
  /rpc/:id/off/:pass        Disable the fork, rpc request would not be processed
  /rpc/:id                  Regular RPC Endpoint, needs to be activated


You need to provide a valid env file to make it work.

HOST="" # The host of the fork, use an ip if you want to expose this to the public
REPO_PATH="/MY/PATH" # Absolute path of the repo
MAKE_CMD="make deploy-fork" # Deploy script for the repo
RPC="https://eth-mainnet.g.alchemy.com/v2/APIKEY" # RPC to fork from
FORK_BLOCK=16076347 # Block to fork from, can remove this to fork from the latest block
MNMONIC="" # Mnemonic phrase to use, useful to have the same contract addresses
PREPARE_SCRIPT="myscript" # Name of the file containing the prepare script after deployment
SERVER_PORT=420 # Port the not server will run
ACCESS_TOKEN=test #Your secret access token

Fork Snapshots

Bestnet provides snapshots to allow you to quickly go back at the state after deploying the contracts. This is very useful to test things out while building a frontend for instance. Bestnet only provides a snapshot at the time, a snapshot will be done automatically after the first deployment, just hit the /reset endpoint to go back in time to that moment.

Upgrade scripts

Sometimes you need to simulate complex upgrade of a smartcontract system, Bestnet allows you to create a js script to prapare and simulate upgrades while simulating ownership of any account. Just add the name of the script (without extension). If a PREPARE_SCRIPT variable name is not provided in the env it will simply skip it.

You can find an example here. The following script will:

  • Change the ownership of the USDC contract to Vitalik
  • Make Vitalik the pauser
  • Pause USDC
const util = require('util');
const { exec } = require('node:child_process');
const execProm = util.promisify(exec);
const {getSnapshot} = require('../helpers/anvil')

const HOST = process.env.HOST || "";
const USDC_OWNER = "0xFcb19e6a322b27c06842A71e8c725399f049AE3a "
const USDC="0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48"
const VITALIK="0xd8da6bf26964af9d7eed9e03e53415d37aa96045"

async function prepare(port) {
    const RPCFLAG = `--rpc-url http://${HOST}:${port}`
    await execProm(`cast rpc ${RPCFLAG} anvil_impersonateAccount ${USDC_OWNER}`);
    await execProm(`cast send ${USDC} --from ${USDC_OWNER} "transferOwnership(address)" ${VITALIK} ${RPCFLAG}`);
    await execProm(`cast rpc ${RPCFLAG} anvil_impersonateAccount ${VITALIK}`);
    await execProm(`cast send ${USDC} --from ${VITALIK} "updatePauser(address)" ${VITALIK} ${RPCFLAG}`);
    await execProm(`cast send ${USDC} --from ${VITALIK} "pause()" ${VITALIK} ${RPCFLAG}`);
    const { stdout, stderr } = await execProm(`cast call ${USDC} "paused()" ${RPCFLAG}`);

module.exports = prepare

📝 NOTE: Your script has to expose a function names prepare.

Contracts deployment

Bestnet is agnostic on how you develop and deploy your contract, it just need to know what script to run to deploy it. Set the MAKE_CMD in your env to specify the script. An example is provided for your convienece inside contracts/script/ using foundry scripts.

In the example inside contracts/ we use a Makefile thefore you should simply set in your env MAKE_CMD="make deploy-fork".

Make sure you are exporting a PRIVATE_KEY inside the contracts/ folder.


We use this tool in the Auxo engineering team to better coordinate between frontend development and contract development. You can host Bestnet on a vps or even locally by using a TCP tunnel like bore to expose the RPC of the forked chain and Bestnet itself.

Lastly, this project has been quickly hacked together in a few hours so don't expect to be bullet-proof just yet. If you'd like to help or looking to help tweet at me at @alexintosh.