
Burstcoin Core Development

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Burstcoin Wallet

Get Support at https://discord.gg/NKXGM6N Build Status Quality Gate MIT

The world's first HDD-mined cryptocurrency using an energy efficient and fair Proof-of-Capacity (PoC) consensus algorithm.

This wallet version is developed and maintained by the PoC consortium (PoCC) and supports a multitude of database backends. The two builtin backends are:

  • MariaDB (recommended)
  • H2 (embedded, easier install)

Other DB backends are supported by the Burstcoin DB manager: https://github.com/PoC-Consortium/burstcoin-db-manager

Software Installation

Linux (Debian, Ubuntu)

  • fetch the newest release ZIP file

If running for the first time,

  • install Java
  • install MariaDB
  • run burst.sh help
  • probably you want to do burst.sh import mariadb

if upgrading your wallet config from 1.3.6cg

burst.sh upgrade

will take the old nxt-default.properties/nxt.properties files and create brs-default.properties.converted/brs.properties.converted files in the conf directory. This should give you a headstart with the new option naming system.



In the conf directory, copy brs-default.properties into a new file named brs.properties.

Download and install MariaDB https://mariadb.com/downloads/mariadb-tx

The MariaDb installation will ask to setup a password for the root user. Add this password to the brs.properties file created above in the following section:


The MariaDB installation will also install HeidiSQL, a gui tool to administer MariaDb. Use it to connect to the newly created mariaDb server and create a new DB called 'burstwallet'.


Plase use beatsbears' comfortable script https://github.com/beatsbears/macos_burst/ to install and maintain the Burst wallet on your Mac. An older howto at ecomineearth https://ecomine.earth/macoswalletinstallguide/ basically describes the manual steps the script above does for you.

Other Unix-like systems

Please install Java 8 (JRE 1.8) manually and run the wallet by using burst.sh You can get further information calling burst.sh help

A good HowTo for running the wallet on a mac can be found here https://www.reddit.com/r/burstcoin/comments/7lrdc1/guide_to_getting_the_poc_wallet_running_on_a_mac/

Configure and Initialize MariaDB

The Debian and Ubuntu packages provide an automatic configuration of your local mariadb server. If you can't use the packages, you have to initialize your database with these statements:

echo "CREATE DATABASE brs_master; 
      CREATE USER 'brs_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'yourpassword';
      GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON brs_master.* TO 'brs_user'@'localhost';" | mysql -uroot
mysql -uroot < init-mysql.sql
Configure your Wallet

Now you need to add the following stuff to your conf/brs.properties:


Striking Features

  • Proof of Capacity - ASIC proof / Energy efficient mining
  • Fast sync. with multithread CPU or OpenCL/GPU (optional)
  • Turing-complete smart contracts, via Automated Transactions (AT) https://ciyam.org/at/at.html
  • Asset Exchange and Digital Goods Store
  • Encrypted Messaging
  • No ICO/Airdrops/Premine



To improve scalability and performance, the core development team uses JProfiler as its preferred Java Profiler.