
Practical exercices for a Springboot course in DUT

Primary LanguageJava


demo-2 : Controllers, Entities, Repositories in Spring

demo-3 : Added VueJs, Request Ajax and Vuetifiyjs

gestion-script : Little application allowing users to save scripts/text documents and update them, while keeping an history of it. Includes Login/Logout pages, use of session variables, advanced use of JPA Repositories

Problems with Spring

Sometimes you can't launch Spring because another device is already listening on port 8080. To solve this problem you can either :

  • Change the port on which Spring is supposed to be launched
  • Kill the process using port 8080

For the second solution use the following commands on windows :

netstat -ano | findstr 8080 taskkill /F /pid process_pid

( replace process_pid with the pid you found with the first command line)