To Do App

This friday project was developed at the Neue Fische Bootcamp Cologne. It should help us understand the basic fundamentals of React. As a technology stack we used javascript, webpack, eslint, prettier and of course react. We didnt use tests, because it was all about understanding of hooks and usage of localStorage with datatypes


This small peace of software is meant to be used with keyboord only. Its approach is based on a low level simulation of an windows UI. Proejct like react95 is the inspiration:

Article on,
cool version of a pokedex


type help in the "console" and you get this

$ text              = add new to-do item with value=text
$ list              = shows to-do list
$ list completed    = shows all completed to-do´s
$ filter checked    = shows only checked to-do
$ filter unchecked  = shows only unchecked to-do
$ edit number text  = edit existing to-do with text
$ check number      = check item with #number
$ uncheck number    = uncheck item with #number
$ delete number     = delete item with #number
$ delete all        = delete all items
$ clear             = clear consoleto learn


The code needs obviously refactoring, especially in storing data in objects, another approach in checking for commands. For more information, critic, questions or help feel free to open new issues. Thank you.