Nodejs API wrapper for Wallets Africa
npm i wallets-africa-api
const WalletAfrica = require('wallets-africa').default;
const walletAfrica = new WalletAfrica({
secretKey: process.env.SECRET_KEY,
publicKey: process.env.PUBLIC_KEY,
sandbox: true, // For sandbox mode defaults to false
try {
const res = await walletAfrica.self.checkBalance(); // Checks wallet balance takes an optional argument of curreny to check in
if (res.status === 200) {
// Successful
} catch (err) {
if (!err.response) {
// No response from the server
// Bad network
} else {
// Response was returned from the server
// ...
The Self property of the WalletAfrica class exposes methods to manage the user account.
Transactions - Get a list of previous transactions within a timeframe
// get recent transactions
try {
const res = await walletAfrica.self.transactions([options]);
// * options <object> - optional parameters passed to the transactions method
// * skip <number> - 0
// * take <number> - 10
// * dateFrom <string> - '2020-01-15'
// * dateTo <string> - '2020-03-15'
// * transactionType <number> - 1
// * secretKey <string> - 'apisecret'
// * currency <string> - 'NGN'
if (res.status === 200) {
// Successful
} catch (err) {
if (!err.response) {
// No response from the server
// Bad network
} else {
// Response was returned from the server
// ...
All calls to the api under hood uses axios, so all methods returns an axios response.
All files are compiled to JavaScript and only the necessary files are published
- Self
- Wallet
- Payouts
- Cards
- Airtime
You can contribute by extending the README file to contain more examples and explanations of how to use the package
- Please follow the eslint and prettier rules to ensure consistent code style
To run tests you need to create a sandbox account you can do that here after which you can add your public and private test keys to package.json