
利用python实现各种实用的脚本。Using python to program some useful scripts

Primary LanguagePython




  • burpsuite-api-python : burpsuite 插件 - the extender of burpsuite
  • mitmproxy-script : mitmproxy脚本文件 - the script of mitmproxy
  • scapy-sniff-combine-python-iptables: 运用scapy库实现网卡嗅探,结合iptables - Use scapy o implement network sniff,and combine iptables
  • simple-port-scanner: 端口扫描器 - port scanner
  • socket_connect: socket连接 - establish socket connection
  • ssh-connect-and-brute-force : ssh连接和爆破 - ssh connection and brute force
  • url_catch: 爬虫抓取url - python spider - aim to catch the urls
  • ctf : ctf payload and scripts.
  • scan : 自己整合和编写的扫描器,目前功能并不多
  • webshell-detection: 一个类似于D盾的扫描工具,可以批量扫描webshell