
Este repositorio es la implementación del preprocesador de modelos 3D a imagenes 2D mediante proyección cilíndrica presentado en el articulo Ensemble of PANORAMA-based convolutional neural networks for 3D model classification and retrieval

Este código forma parte del Trabajo de Fin de Grado de Alejandro Manzanares Lemus para el Grado de Ingeniería Informática de la Universidad de Granada


make init
bin/panorama_extended [nombre del modelo] [ruta relativa al modelo 3D] [carpeta de salida PANORAMA extended] [carpeta de salida feature map]

This repository is the implementation of the preprocessor of 3D models to 2D images by cylindrical projection presented in the paper Ensemble of PANORAMA-based convolutional neural networks for 3D model classification and retrieval

This code is part of the Final Degree Project of Alejandro Manzanares Lemus for the Degree in Computer Science at the University of Granada.

Documentation is avaliable in:


make init
bin/panorama_extended [model name] [relive route to 3D model] [output folder PANORAMA extended] [output folder feature map]