
Raycating project

Primary LanguageC


Raycating project

  • To execute this project, clone the public repository, and inside the folder execute, the next bash command:

    make && ./Cub3d maps/map_std.cub

  • Resources

    • In order to develope this project we need to use the minilibx library, below all the explanations and function prototypes:



  • How to manipulate colors in C using minilibX

    • Code examples

      The next three functions return each r g b color individually
      int	get_r(int trgb)
      	return ((trgb >> 16) & 0xFF);
      int	get_g(int trgb)
      	return ((trgb >> 8) & 0xFF);
      int	get_b(int trgb)
      	return (trgb & 0xFF);
      return the int representation of rgb 
      int rgb_to_int(int r, int g, int b)
      	return ((r<<16) + (g<<8) + b);
      add shadow to any number by modifying each r g b value
      int	add_shadow(int rgb)
          int r;
          int g;
          int b;
          r = get_r(rgb);
          b = get_g(rgb);
          g = get_b(rgb);
          return (rgb_to_int(r * 0.5, g * 0.5 , b * 0.5));
      • Result applying add_shade to red

        Screenshot from 2022-08-02 14-59-35.png

    • Resources


  • Project developement

    Cub3d raycasting

    This project was made with the colaboration of Elsruora who did the parsing part**,** the library used to create this project is called minilibx is provided by school 42, you can find the reference above.

    • To understand this project and find all the tecniques used to modelate a raycasting, follow the next video series.

    • Video

      Make Your Own Raycaster Part 1

    If you want to know to how to draw a line to representate the rays, in C, using minilibx library, see below code

    • Code

      /* ************************************************************************** */
      /*                                                                            */
      /*                                                        :::      ::::::::   */
      /*   draw_line.c                                        :+:      :+:    :+:   */
      /*                                                    +:+ +:+         +:+     */
      /*   By: jvalenci <jvalenci@student.42.fr>          +#+  +:+       +#+        */
      /*                                                +#+#+#+#+#+   +#+           */
      /*   Created: 2022/07/16 10:32:44 by jvalenci          #+#    #+#             */
      /*   Updated: 2022/09/24 13:08:52 by jvalenci         ###   ########.fr       */
      /*                                                                            */
      /* ************************************************************************** */
      #include "../../includes/cub3d.h"
      void	plot_line_low(t_map *m, float *xy0, float *xy1)
      	m->l->dx = xy1[0] - xy0[0];
      	m->l->dy = xy1[1] - xy0[1];
      	m->l->yi = 1;
      	if (m->l->dy < 0)
      		m->l->yi = -1;
      		m->l->dy *= -1;
      	m->l->d = (2 * m->l->dy) - m->l->dx;
      	m->l->x = xy0[0];
      	m->l->y = xy0[1];
      	while (m->l->x < xy1[0])
      		my_mlx_pixel_put(m->s_img[0], m->l->x, m->l->y, \
      				choose_color(m, m->t->wall_code));
      		if (m->l->d > 0)
      			m->l->y += m->l->yi;
      			m->l->d += (2 * (m->l->dy - m->l->dx));
      			m->l->d += (2 * m->l->dy);
      void	plot_line_hight(t_map *m, float *xy0, float *xy1)
      	m->l->dx = xy1[0] - xy0[0];
      	m->l->dy = xy1[1] - xy0[1];
      	m->l->xi = 1;
      	if (m->l->dx < 0)
      		m->l->xi = -1;
      		m->l->dx *= -1;
      	m->l->d = (2 * m->l->dx) - m->l->dy;
      	m->l->y = xy0[1];
      	m->l->x = xy0[0];
      	while (m->l->y < xy1[1])
      				// choose_color(m, m->t->wall_code));
              my_mlx_pixel_put(m->s_img[0], m->l->x, m->l->y, \
                      choose_color(m, m->t->wall_code));
      		if (m->l->d > 0)
      			m->l->x += m->l->xi;
      			m->l->d += (2 * (m->l->dx - m->l->dy));
      			m->l->d += (2 * m->l->dx);
         @brief Bresenham's line algorithm is a line drawing algorithm that determines
      		   the points of an n-dimensional raster that should be selected in order
      		   to form a close approximation to a straight line between two points.
      		   It is commonly used to draw line primitives in a bitmap image
         --->    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bresenham%27s_line_algorithm
      void	plot_line(t_map *m, float x0, float y0)
      	float	xy0[2];
      	xy0[0] = x0;
      	xy0[1] = y0;
      	if (m->height <= 448 && m->width <= 1024)
      		if (abs((int)m->l->pdxy[1] - (int)xy0[1]) < \
      				abs((int)m->l->pdxy[0] - (int)xy0[0]))
      			if (xy0[0] > m->l->pdxy[0])
      				plot_line_low(m, m->l->pdxy, xy0);
      				plot_line_low(m, xy0, m->l->pdxy);
      			if (xy0[1] > m->l->pdxy[1])
      				plot_line_hight(m, m->l->pdxy, xy0);
      				plot_line_hight(m, xy0, m->l->pdxy);