Control zone cleaning for Xiaomi vacuum cleaners from voice assistants and Home Assistant
- 0
Failed to perform action vacuum/start. 'dict' object has no attribute 'actions'
#15 opened by KoalaMontana - 1
- 2
Using deprecated supported features values which will be removed in HA Core 2025.1
#11 opened by avbor - 1
Support Xiaomi Miot Auto
#14 opened by eerison - 0
Add support dreame-vacuum
#12 opened by AlexxIT - 1
Warning after vacuum start
#10 opened by 67rinat - 0
GA : startstop Trait
#7 opened by pergolafabio - 0
add integration roborock app
#9 opened by onaggm - 8
service error
#4 opened by ahtoh1029 - 1
- 3
возврат на базу
#1 opened by AlexKash500 - 3
Не запускается уборка комнат
#6 opened by c1tru55 - 1
repeats when cleaning a room
#5 opened by G1K - 3
- 1
support for two or more vacuum and alexa
#3 opened by wedalzayer