
Cowin-Bot is a Discord Bot developed by ANASDAVOODTK and Alexy P Thomas to make the vaccine registration in a feasible way

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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Cowin-Bot ✨


Cowin-Bot is a Discord Bot developed by ANASDAVOODTK and Alexy P Thomas to make the vaccine registration in a feasible way. Our Bot performs fucntions like Registeration, Notification etc. This project is developed as part of Tinkerhub Buid From Home program

Libraries used

  1. axios : ^0.21.1
  2. request : ^2.88.2
  3. dotenv :^9.0.2
  4. firebase :^8.6.2
  5. discord.js : ^12.5.3
  6. node-fetch : ^2.6.1

How to configure and use Cowin-Bot

Add Cowin Bot to your server.

Below are the list of comands to be used to intrect with Cowin-Bot

Command Description
help To get started with bot
register To register for the vaccination
vaccine To check the avaliability of vaccine at desired centers
notify To notify the user about the slot availability
myinfo To know your registration status
stop_notify To Stop Notification

How to use


⚡ Installation

You can clone this repo and host the bot yourself.

git clone https://github.com/AlexyPulivelil/Cowin_Bot.git

After cloning, run an

npm install

to snag all of the dependencies. Of course, you need node installed.


node index.js

Team Id


📖 License

Released under the MIT License license.


Alexy Anas
@AlexyPulivelil @ANASDAVOODTK