
The Spotify Dashboard That's Actually Useful ✨

Primary LanguageTypeScript


MusicPebbles is a simple, lightweight and fast dashboard for spotify that's built with Next.js, Redis and Spotify's Web Api to be ultra scalable.


MusicPebbles was built with usability in mind, it's simple and easy to use, and it's fast. But it also has a few admin only features that make it a great at catching bugs and errors before they become a problem, pairing these features with it's incredibly small running costs means that it is built to be setup once and never require maintenance again.

Some user focused features include: Spotify Oauth Login; Spotify Song Preview Player; Uniqueness Rating of User's Music Taste; User's Top Songs; User's Top Artists; Multiple Time Ranges (Short, Medium, Long); Summary Page for Sharing; User Bug Reporting;

Developer focused features include: Internal Error Logging; Admin Dashboard to View User Reports and Error Logs; Error Handling to minimise maintenance; and extremely low running costs.

The only data that is stored is data that HAS to be stored, such as any internal tokens or a cache of the user's data to prevent unnecessary Spotify API calls, and all this data is stored such that it disappears after a short period of time. This means that the only semi-permanent data stored are the error logs and user reports!

This works to keep the running costs of the project as low as possible, and as a byproduct also means that the project has surprisingly high privacy and security standards.


If your Spotify api account has not been granted a quote extension you will only be able to invite up to 25 users manually, in order to allow anyone to sign up like on the live site you will need to complete the application process for a quote extension from Spotify. You can read more about this on the spotify developer site here.

The Oauth state is currently just a static string that is set in the .env file, this means CSRF attacks are possible. Although spotify's oauth flow prevents redirects to any url that hasn't been pre-approved in the developer console (such as https://musicpebbles.com/api/oauth/callback), so as far as I know this is not a huge issue, but it is something to be aware of since I don't take any responsibility for any security issues that may arise from using this project.

Setup Instructions

Requirements To Run

In order to run either a development or production instance of this project you will need the following.

Name Description Production Example Development Example
Spotify Api Account A Spotify Api Account with the ability to create an app Spotify Spotify
Next.js Hosting Some form of Next.js Hosting Vercel Nextjs Dev Tools
Redis Instance A 'Serverless Friendly' Redis Instance of Some Form Upstash Docker

Environment Variables

You will also need to create a .env file in the root of the project with the variables in the below table, alternatively you can copy the .example.env file and rename it to .env then fill in the values.

Name Description Type Example
SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID The Client ID of your Spotify Api App string 1234567890abcdef
SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET The Client Secret of your Spotify Api App string 1234567890abcdef
SPOTIFY_REDIRECT_URI The Redirect URI of your Spotify Api App URL http://localhost:3000/api/oauth/callback
SPOTIFY_STATE_KEY A Random string used as basic protection from CSRF attacks random string 1234567890abcdef
REDIS_URL The URL of your Redis Instance URL redis://localhost:6379
JWT_SECRET A Random string used to sign JWT tokens random string 1234567890abcdef

The additional development environment variable LOCAL can also be set to enable the use of the more expansive logging tools, this is only turned on if it is set exactly to true and not any other value. This is not required and will be ignored if not set.

Built by Alfie Ranstead

This project was built by Alfie Ranstead and is licensed under the MIT License. Please feel free to use this project as you wish, but if you do please credit me and link back to this repository, additionally pull requests are welcome, and if you have any questions or issues please feel free to open an issue on the repository.