
A quick sample django app to show off Passanger's wsgi support

Primary LanguagePython

A really simple example to show how to use Phusion Passenger's to server WSGI Python apps (including Django!)

Two branches..

1. master - a basic WSGI python app, taken largely from Phusion's test suite
2. django - a very (very!) basic django blog app, that runs fine under Phusion Passenger

Apache Config


<VirtualHost *:80>
   ServerName wally.local
   DocumentRoot /Users/kwe/Sites/wally/public

Looks like Phusion Passenger looks for a script called 'passenger_wsgi.py'. Checkout the django branch for a generic WSGI script to run a Django app.

Basic folder layout for app is..

  +-- passenger_wsgi.py
  +-- public/
  +-- tmp/