1.Instructions how to run the squid locally 2. Sample Squid queries and the corresponding Subgraph queries
- Installation Subsquid Install the latest version of Subsquid CLI
- I use VPS Digital Ocean
apt update && apt upgrade && apt install npm && apt install docker-compose
npm i -g @subsquid/cli@latest
sqd --version
- Install dependencies
npm ci
- Clone Repo from github https://github.com/subsquid-quests/snapshot-subgraph-migration
Change "your-folder" with any name you want
sqd init <your-folder> --template evm
Copy and Replace with commands below
type Gravatar @entity {
id: ID!
owner: String!
displayName: String!
imageUrl: String!
- Go to
folder and make a new file nameGravity.json
- Copy command below and paste on it
- Open
file onsrc
folder- Copy and paste command below after ending .addtransaction and save it
address: ['0x2E645469f354BB4F5c8a05B3b30A929361cf77eC'],
- Execute the squid typegen command
sqd typegen
- Copy this command and replace on
import {lookupArchive} from '@subsquid/archive-registry'
import {
Log as _Log,
Transaction as _Transaction,
} from '@subsquid/evm-processor'
import * as Gravatar from './abi/Gravity';
export const processor = new EvmBatchProcessor()
// Change the Archive endpoints for run the squid
// against the other EVM networks
// For a full list of supported networks and config options
// see https://docs.subsquid.io/evm-indexing/
archive: lookupArchive('eth-mainnet'),
// Must be set for RPC ingestion (https://docs.subsquid.io/evm-indexing/evm-processor/)
// OR to enable contract state queries (https://docs.subsquid.io/evm-indexing/query-state/)
chain: 'https://rpc.ankr.com/eth',
transaction: {
from: true,
value: true,
hash: true,
from: 6_000_000,
address: ['0x2E645469f354BB4F5c8a05B3b30A929361cf77eC'],
topic0: [
export type Fields = EvmBatchProcessorFields<typeof processor>
export type Block = BlockHeader<Fields>
export type Log = _Log<Fields>
export type Transaction = _Transaction<Fields>
export type ProcessorContext<Store> = DataHandlerContext<Store, Fields>
- Execute the squid codegen command
sqd codegen
- Copy and paste commands below on main.ts
import { Gravatar } from './model';
import { processor } from './processor';
import * as GravatarABI from './abi/Gravity';
import { ReturnDocument } from 'typeorm';
processor.run(new TypeormDatabase({ supportHotBlocks: true }), async (ctx) => {
const gravatars: Map<string, Gravatar> = new Map();
for (let c of ctx.blocks) {
for (let log of c.logs) {
let { idString, owner, displayName, imageUrl } = extractData(log);
let gravatar = new Gravatar({
id: idString,
owner: owner,
displayName: displayName,
imageUrl: imageUrl,
gravatars.set(idString, gravatar);
// apply vectorized transformations and aggregations
// upsert batches of entities with batch-optimized ctx.store.save
await ctx.store.upsert([...gravatars.values()]);
function extractData(log: any): {
idString: string;
owner: string;
displayName: string;
imageUrl: string;
} {
if (log.topics[0] === GravatarABI.events.NewGravatar.topic) {
let { id, owner, displayName, imageUrl } =
let idString = id.toString(16);
return { idString, owner, displayName, imageUrl };
if (log.topics[0] === GravatarABI.events.UpdatedGravatar.topic) {
let { id, owner, displayName, imageUrl } =
let idString = id.toString(16);
return { idString, owner, displayName, imageUrl };
throw new Error('Unsupported topic');
- Execute the squid build command
sqd build
- Execute the squid to running docker Note : make sure you done docker-compose installation
sqd up
- Execute the migration if all command correct
sqd migration:generate
- Execute the squid process if there's no error found
sqd process
- On the new terminal paste this command
sqd serve
- Open your localhost with Your IP
- Choose all requirement you want (ex. id, owner, displayName & imageUrl)
credited : Alfonova