
.NET SDK for the Dropbox API v2.

Primary LanguageC#


A .NET SDK for integrating with the Dropbox API v2.

Support Platforms

  • .NET Framework 4+
  • Windows Store Apps
  • Windows Phone 8 and 8.1 Apps
  • Silverlight 5.0


To get started with Dropbox.NET, we recommend you add it to your project using NuGet.

To install Dropbox.Api, run the following command in the Package Manager Console:

PM> Install-Package Dropbox.Api

Creating an application

You need to create an Dropbox Application to make API requests.

Obtaining an access token

All requests need to be made with an OAuth 2 access token. To get started, once you've created an app, you can go to the app's console and generate an access token for your own Dropbox account.


Several examples can be found in the examples directory:

  • SimpleBlogDemo — An ASP.NET MVC application that creates a simple blogging platform, this shows how to upload and download files.
  • SimpleBusinessDashboard — An ASP.NET MVC application that creates a simple business dashboard, showcasing the Dropbox Business endpoints.
  • SimpleTest — A windows console application that demonstrates basic use of the SDK; this also contains code that connects with OAuth2 using WPF.
  • UniversalDemo — A slide show app for both Windows Store and Windows Phone 8.1


You can find out more details in the full documentation for the Dropbox.NET SDK.

Building from source

You can also build the SDK or create local nuget package from source code directly.

Basic Setup

  1. Prerequisites:
  1. Run git submodule init followed by a git submodule update to pull in the spec and stone sub repos.

  2. Install stone and its dependencies by running.

    cd stone
    python setup.py install

Generate latest source code

  1. Update spec folder to the desired commit. To update to the latest, simply use:

    git submodule update
    cd spec
    git pull
  2. Run generate.py script to generatedi class for latest data types.

    python generate.py
  3. Open up the Dropbox.Api.sln in Visual Studio and run the included examples as a sanity check.

Create nuget package (This needs to be done on Windows)

  1. Edit dropbox-sdk-dotnet/Dropbox.Api/Dropbox.Api.nuspec and update release note.
  2. Edit buildall.ps1 and update major version and release version.
  3. In Visual Studio Developer Command Prompt run
    powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File buildall.ps1 -testSettings <PATH_TO_TEST_SETTINGS> 
    A .nukpg file will be generated in Dropbox.Api directory. Checkout here for the format of test settings file.

Generating Docs

  1. In Visual Studio Developer Command Prompt, run
    powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File buildall.ps1 -testSettings <PATH_TO_TEST_SETTINGS> -doc