
This repository contains a Dockerfile and related files for creating an Azure DevOps agent in Docker. For more information on using Docker agents in Azure DevOps, please refer to the official documentation.

Environment Variables for the container

Environment Variable Description
AZP_URL The URL of the Azure DevOps or Azure DevOps Server instance.
AZP_TOKEN Personal Access Token (PAT) with Agent Pools (read, manage) scope, created by a user who has permission to configure agents, at AZP_URL.
AZP_AGENT_NAME Agent name (default value: the container hostname).
AZP_POOL Agent pool name (default value: Default).
AZP_WORK Work directory (default value: _work).

Personal Access Token

Please refer to the official documentation for instructions on creating a personal access token.




Agent Pool

How to create the agent Pool: image


To build the Docker image, navigate to the azp-agent-in-docker directory and run the following command:

docker build --tag "az-agent" --file "./dockerfile" . 


To run the agent in Docker, use the following command, replacing the values of the environment variables according to your setup:

docker run -e AZP_URL="<Azure DevOps instance>" -e AZP_TOKEN="<Personal Access Token>" -e AZP_POOL="<Agent Pool Name>" -e AZP_AGENT_NAME="Docker Agent - Linux" --name "azp-agent-linux" azp-agent:linux 


docker run -e AZP_URL="" -e AZP_TOKEN="secrettoken" -e AZP_POOL="Pool" -e AZP_AGENT_NAME="Docker Agent - Linux" --name "az-agent"


You should see the result as follows: image image