
This project is based on: 1) Read, Calibrate and Display data from Sensors. 2)Develop code for reading SMS through Arduino and trigger the alarm. 3) Sending the data to cloud using WiFi. 4) Create a REST based Web Service to send data to cloud. 5)Writing a program to store sensor data in NOSql(mongodb) database. 6) Analyze the data to slove business problems.7) Generate a neat report to visualize the data for management.

Primary LanguageC++


  • Used sensors to monitor temperature(LM35D), light intensity(LDR), humidity(DHT11), magnetic field(REED), optocoupler(PC817), power(Switch), location(GPS) and human presence(PIR).

    • These sensors looks like below:


  • Connected Arduino with the these sensors on the corresponding pins via sensor board and connected it with the computer. Arduino and Sensor board looks like below:



  • Using Arduino Software a code is generated in setup and loop which gives instruction to the arduino board and read and write on the corresponding pin.

    • The overall setup would be like shown:


  • Rest API is used and an online website for storing the data(here) and a channel is created having the corresponding fields same as the data we get from Arduino via sensors.

  • This data is stored and sent to cloud(on our channel) using wifi(ESP8266){which gets connected with our hotspot} or we can use sim(SIM800), API key of site is used for authentication and finally the data gets stored in JSON format on our channel{In Public and Private View one can see the charts created for the data}.

    • Data analysis looks like below: think
  • Then this JSON data gets exported from cloud and is hosted on a server(MongoDB){I tried both local and remote python files are included in experiments directory} on mLab webite(One have to enable API key and add it in your python code). Finally we have a hosted cloud server which provides us usefull information.

    • The running mongo instance on cloud(mlab) would look like this: mlab

    • JSON data that would be visible in mongo instance created is shown: data

  • In pi directory some codes are given for same operation in RaspberryPi.

We can use this type of project in various fields, like for detecting false claims in transport system for damaged products.