
Primary LanguageKotlin


Forex is an application that updates in real-time the exchange rates of different currencies based on the Euro


The debug version can easily be built for installation on device(or emulator) or for an .apk which can then be installed manually

On Emulator or Device

From the terminal, run

gradlew installDebug


From the terminal, run

gradlew assembleDebug

This creates an APK in



Clean architecture was used to architect the application. The main reasons for this choice was for future maintenance, as well as abstraction (the different layers are abstracted away from each other). There are three main layers namely:


Which contains the models to hold data, remote source with api for network calls to retrieve real-time data, cache source which is the data source of truth and repository to pass the data onto the domain layer


Which contains usecase specific business logic for constantly updating the currencies with their rates, moving currency to top of list on click and updating the corresponding rates when the top rate changes . The domain exposes the business logic to the ui or presentation layer through interface abstractions


This is the layer for the data visualization component of the application. The presentation layer was setup with MVVM where the views have little or no view logic, the viewmodels hold livedata for the views to observe, manage rxjava disposables and contain view logic without referencing view components and are testable. The View component used to visualize the data is a ConstraintLayout with a recyclerView to scroll through the data.


As long as the rate amount at the top of the list is being changed by the user, the real-time update is suspended and reinstated afterwards