
Replicate an issue with TheGraph Node and Hedera Relay when eth_call execution revert were not being recognized as reverts

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Sample Hardhat Project

This project deploys a dummy contract with 2 methods, generateDummyIdEvent and getDummyData.

It has a test case that deploys the contract and calls the generateDummyIdEvent method 6 times with Id or eventId 1 to 6.

When calling the method getDummyData it will return a custom struct with the following data types:

 struct DummyData {
        address addr1;
        address addr2;
        int256 value1;
        int256 value2;

However if the id is equal to 2, it will revert with the following reason:

revert("Dummy revert for ID 2");

This is needed to demostrate an issue on TheGraph node when indexing events that revert when performing eth_call on the contract.


  1. Node.js
  2. npm
  3. graph-cli (npm install -g @graphprotocol/graph-cli)


  1. First is needed to deploy the contract and create the events. To do this, run the following command:
npm install
npx compile
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network hederatestnet
npx hardhat test --network hederatestnet
  1. Copy the contract address, I have already deployed and run this on hedera testnet network and you can use the same addres and skip step number 1, the address is 0x2c988802d0411f07f196cb0bc678f12c4d086b6f and is included on the subgraph.yaml file inside the /dummy-contract-subgraph folder.

  2. Run locally an hedera subgraph node, to do this follow instructions on: https://github.com/hashgraph/hedera-json-rpc-relay/tree/main/tools/subgraph-example

  3. Go to the dummy-contract-subgraph folder and run the following command:

npm install
npm run codegen
npm run build
npm run create
npm run deploy
  1. Once the subgraph is deployed, you can see the logs on the thegraph node docker instance and will see the following error:
graph-node-1  | Apr 11 20:36:19.750 DEBG Trying again after eth_call RPC call for block #2755444 (02f173bfad90468f0dff1a491356361ee9d3c3b166a33b2cee01a6e74cfd1af6) failed (attempt #7) with result Err(Web3Error(Transport(Message("failed to deserialize response: data did not match any variant of untagged enum Output")))), sgd: 3, subgraph_id: QmQR1wHinnRpo9vEkA7TpyVKFAgfnQtEbHv9usKPQvK1pi, component: SubgraphInstanceManager