
multiplayer hangman game backend

Primary LanguageJavaScript

How to run

  1. Download and install the latest version of node 16 for your operating system
  2. Install git:
  3. Authenticate your Github account with Git:
  4. Clone this repo using your command line
    • git https://github.com/worddangler/backend.git
  5. Setup env variables
    • navigate to the project directory you cloned
    • in the root of the project, create a plain text file called .env
    • in the .env file you just created, paste the following:
  6. Build and run:
    • in your command line, run npm install to install all of the project dependencies
    • run with npm run start

How to contribute

  • When you start working on the repo don't contribute to the main branch directly. Instead create a fork, work on your own fork, and open a Pull Requests when you are ready to contribute code.
  • All Pull Requests require approval from another person in the dev team. You have been added to the dev team if you already joined the org
  • All Pull Requests have been set to automatically run continuous integration / continuous development workflows. So when you create a Pull Requests, your code will automatically be tested for linting issues and logic issues that have implemented tests.

Here is an example of a run: https://github.com/worddangler/backend/actions/runs/4476550524

Tools used

Setting up your development environment

  • You can use any editor / ide.
  • Install the prettier plugin for your editor and set it up to auto-fix your code on save. Note that prettier formatting is enforced, so if your code is not formatted to follow prettier rules, you will get linting errors when you make a Pull Request.
  • Download and install insomnia for API testing: https://insomnia.rest/