- 0
Broken links to JS files
#1445 opened by loff - 1
- 2
/archetype-catalog.xml' is not supported anymore
#1392 opened by Oleg25 - 0
'mvn archetype:generate' does not work with recent maven (error: 'No catalog defined')
#1364 opened by mitschwimmer - 1
Aikau QuickShare Protocol Change
#1415 opened by SanjayBandhniya - 0
Aikau Search Result Custom Action
#1412 opened by SanjayBandhniya - 1
Customizing a widget from 2 different modules not working
#1379 opened by plus- - 3
Login popup fails to load, defaults.js 404 error
#1408 opened by predogma - 0
- 1
Hardcoded uses of topics.SORT_LIST despite AlfList allowing configuration of sortRequestTopic
#1352 opened by AFaust - 0
dojo DataGrid css and LESS compilation error
#1403 opened by vincent-ks2 - 1
Validation of hidden fields on the form
#1382 opened by aviriel - 2
Add unit test for change to AlfBreadcrumb
#1388 opened by tpage-alfresco - 4
Aikau 1.0.102 release
#1385 opened by marsv024 - 1
Altering widgets in SiteService.js on createSite and editSite behaves differently
#1384 opened by marsv024 - 0
- 1
In "alfresco/renderers/Indicators" is not included "alfresco/renderers/Property"
#1376 opened by troncador - 4
modify Aikau.jar inside my amp
#1375 opened by RedRaccoon - 5
- 1
Injecting an Aikau widget into some React code
#1373 opened by plus- - 1
alfresco_lists_AlfList__onViewSelected >> There is no data to render a view with
#1372 opened by knayodhya - 1
- 2
Request help for workaround for Aikau Error message showing before successful render of search results in Alfresco 5.1.2
#1366 opened by toonconvents - 0
TextBoxLabel is not showing in SingleTextFieldForm
#1363 opened by muralidharand - 3
InfiniteScrollService locked in dataloadInProgress state even though AlfSortablePaginatedList did not trigger a load
#1354 opened by AFaust - 2
Infinite scrolling requires full page / table reload to include new data entries once scrolled to the end
#1355 opened by AFaust - 5
Vagrant test VM not working
#1359 opened by igorbga - 1
alfresco/dnd/DroppedItemWrapper reordering does not update alfresco/dnd/DragAndDropTarget value
#1358 opened by ramsay-shiells - 1 cannot be found
#1350 opened by AFaust - 12
alfresco/search/AlfSearchList: Search scope wrong when using hash and passing siteId (fix included)
#1336 opened by tom-vandepoele - 3
SiteService should not load edit-site.js or at least check if it's already been loaded
#1331 opened by AFaust - 1
- 15
DojoSelect value is empty when form submit
#1307 opened by AlexRFS - 1
Cannot set the target folder for targetUpload widget
#1306 opened by AlexRFS - 8
MultiSelectInput Issue
#1300 opened by AlexRFS - 5
- 17
#1295 opened by AlexRFS - 2
CodeMirror issues on Android devices
#1275 opened by draperd - 2
- 5
Edit form (FormRuntimeService) and mandatory files assocs
#1270 opened by aviriel - 2
aikau-sandpit: blank page on 2/3 Android devices.
#1289 opened by deas - 2
Add configurable selection restrictions to FilePicker and simplify custom tab configuration
#1214 opened by AFaust - 2
CoreXhr not depending on Core
#1254 opened by HansDeBal - 2
Loading message in Tutorial 1 not correct anymore
#1263 opened by jgoldhammer - 17
- 4
Option needed to exclude "additionalButton" from being updated with current form data
#1171 opened by AFaust - 10
Aikau Unit Test page does not load correctly on Windows
#1190 opened by AFaust - 2
- 2
- 3